Eldad Demanding Compensatory Payment Following Amona Violence

MK (National Union) Prof. Aryeh Eldad is seeking compensatory damages from the state following the beating he sustained 2.5 years ago during the violent expulsion of Jews from the Shomron community of Amona. Eldad was seen on national television after police beat him, resulting in his being transported to an emergency room and treated for his injuries.

Eldad, a former prominent plastic surgeon and IDF chief medical officer sustained a 10% disability as a result, explaining to the court that he now is unable to hold certain surgical tools as required due to a permanent injury to his thumb. As such, he is seeking compensatory payment.

Others who were beaten and targeted by police during the violent ordeal have also sought compensatory payment but most cases were dismissed by the court.

The police commander of the scene in Amona told the court on Sunday that in his expert opinion, police did not use excessive force. Investigations into the violence that accompanied Amona indicate otherwise.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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