SHOCK VIDEO: Cop Who Broke Shackled Man’s Nose Directs Wrath At Peleg Protester

In the course of the Peleg protest on Sunday evening, a policeman was seen brutally beating one of the protesters, banging his head on the sidewalk, Kikar H’Shabbat reported.

Some time ago, a serious indictment was filed against the policeman for breaking the nose of an Arab protester while he was handcuffed.

The police decided, despite the indictment, to allow the policeman to work on the streets, where he was again videoed acting with violence by a Kikar photographer.

Israel Police stated in response to the report: “Unfortunately, time and time again, the site chooses to cover violent disturbances of public order using very partial documentation that does not at all represent what is happening at the site and in an attempt to discredit police officers who work to maintain public order.”

“Following riots by hundreds during the protest, police forces began dispersing the rioters on the spot, after a dispersal order was issued to no avail. In the course of the riots, the rioters blocked intersections, buses, emergency vehicles, and the light rail, as well as clashed with the police at the site.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. What kind of state/police is this who can’t face the truth and admit any wrongdoing? Are you any better than Putin in this respect?

  2. Instead of taking responsibility, the police are whitewashing their officers’ excessive violence.
    The point isn’t judging the rioters. The point is police violence against rioters once these disturbers of public peace are rendered helpless. Aren’t police trained on how to deal with unruly mobs and how NOT to deal with them?
    Yes – of course force is needed to disperse rioters. That said, once rioters are handcuffed or otherwise rendered harmless – whether Jew or Arab – a policeman may NOT behave like an animal and bash anyone’s head against the sidewalk in fury. It is so typical of the police to blame rioters on their force members’ animalistic behavior.
    If parents behaved that way towards horribly defiant children, they would lose custody over them…

  3. This is all one big lie.
    They are all out to get the Chareidim, and it’s time we all join and protest these, as Rav Elyashiv Zatza”l said that we must protest!!!

  4. If Peleg and their supporters cannot toleratew violence, then they should stop initiating it. I have long stopped caring why they protest. Even a legitimte cause doesn’t excuse these people for behaving like wild animals. No, I’m not happy that a Yid received a beating. But it could not have happened to anyone more deserving. If Peleg believes in their cause, they must consider it Torah true. My Torah states clearly דרכיה דרכי נועם.

  5. Should have broken a few more bones besides the nose, that the only way these criminally insane gangsters will stop.

  6. In these times disrespect our soldiers….. Shame! I don’t think these penguin army would be ready to fight. There only things they learn is saying “Shikse” and “Naaaazzii”.

  7. Don’t protest in the streets and act like a vilde chaya, be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be, and you won’t have a problem.

  8. IY’H he should attend every protest by these chayot who block ambulance traffic. police should treat them as rodfim; nothing is excessive for these feine behaimot

  9. Derek Chauvin sits in a jail cell while this Israeli dog walks. They both committed the same crime. Zionism will fall before Moshiach comes.

  10. I agree that a protest is necessary for when there are corrupt law and plans being set, but there must be a better way

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