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Tuesday AM News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael


A 28-year-old Syrian wounded by gunfire was transported to Poriah Hospital in Tiveria.


Israel Electric Company repair crews have not yet restored power to the 420 families in Yishuv Har Bracha, Yitzhar and Itamar.


Jerusalem City Halls calls on students who do not have classes today to assist the little ones getting to and from kindergarten safely.


A number of buses carrying illegal aliens are heading from Latrun to Jerusalem at this time to protest outside the Prime Minister’s Office.


MK Gafne: Mayor Nir Barkat had enough days to clear roads. Jerusalem is in total disarray.


The latest poverty report released by Bituach Leumi shows that in 2012, there were 817,200 children living under the poverty line. This represents one-third of the nation’s children.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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