HaRav Chaim On War In Ukraine: “When You See Nations Fighting, Anticipate Moshiach”

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

As a history-changing war rages and concern for Jews stuck in Ukraine grows, many have turned to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and asked if there was something specific they should be mechazeik in.

HaRav Chaim responded immediately: “To daven and learn with hasmadah.”

HaRav Chaim mentioned the words of the Gemarah in Masechtas Sanhedrin: “‘What should a person do to be saved from chevlei Moshiach – occupy himself with Torah and Gemillas Chassadim.”

HaRav Chaim also noted the words in Bereishis Rabbah (לך לך מ”ב, ד), where the Midrash cites the words of Rav Elazar Bar Avina: “If you see nations taunting each other, anticipate the footsteps of Moshiach.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. When You See Nations Fighting, Anticipate Moshiach

    Since there is always a war or two going on, somewhere in the world, we should anticipate Moshiach all the time. Which, of course, we’re required to do anyway, even if by some weird fluke there aren’t any wars active at the moment.

  2. not to question the Gadol Hador but havent nations been fighting forever like the Greeks and the Persians in antiquity.

  3. I wish this advice had brought משיח צדקינו already 8 decades ago, when there was even bigger conflagration between the nations of the world

  4. The kashyeh on R’ Chaim is a kashyeh on the Midrash. Somebody should have a look at the mefarshim to see if they give a pshat, and then tell it to the rest of us!

  5. is there anything that hasn’t been quoted in his name? I certainly hope his judgement is better than this–nations have been fighting each other since the beginning of time-and, somehow, the messiah aint made his way here yet.

  6. The part about anticipating the footsteps of Moshiach is a quote from a Medrash. While this war isn’t exactly unprecedented, consider that when paired with today’s instant communication, it may be an effectively bigger sensation to the world than any other war ever was.

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