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AG: Terrorist’s Home May be Destroyed, But….

0012.jpgState Attorney General Menachem Mazuz has indicated the law permits razing the Jerusalem home of the bulldozer terrorist responsible for Wednesday’s attack, but such an act may present some “legal difficulties”.

Mazuz warns that while the deterrence value of such an act must be included in the decision-making process, the reaction of the international community to such an act must be heavily weighed. Mazuz added that sealing a portion of the home is also a viable alternative, but this too may elicit a harsh response from the international community.

The parents of the family have hired the services of attorney Shimon Kushkush, hoping to prevent the cancellation of their social benefits and healthcare insurance. Their primary concern however are fears the state will rule to destroy their home. In a turnaround in events, they have announced their son was not a  Shahid, hoping to persuade decision-makers they do not support his terrorist act.

“If we must raze a home then we will raze a home. If we must cancel social benefits, we will do this too,” stated Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who on Thursday addressed the Caesarea Conference. The prime minister added that a situation will not be tolerated in which one may benefit from the privilege of citizenship and on the other side strike out against us from within.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. 1. AGAIN “What is the WORLD going to say”

    SICK and geting SICKER!

    2. Another Jewish Lawyer selling himself and his nation for a couple of $$$$$$

    SICK and geting SICKER!

  2. They should use the same bulldozer to demolish their house. If the family complains they sould be banned from Jerusalem for 3 years.

  3. SInce when is it the AG’s job to decide based on the international communities reaction?! Is he a diplomat? Did any body ask his opinion or the law? What a nut! All these “legal nuts” think they should decide policy for Israel. The same with Justice Barak….

  4. Isn’t it amazing that when they are threatened to have their tax payer funded benefits taken away, he loses his shahid status!! Nisht tzu gloiben really!

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