YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 7/04/08

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


*Friday, day 17 of the virtual ceasefire.

*5 explosive devices were hurled at IDF soldiers operating in Shomron, northeast of Shechem. No injuries are being reported but there was heavy damage to an armored vehicle.


*Strike held by state-employed social workers comes to an end after approximately 2.5 months.

*PM Olmert does not plan to dismiss Public Security Minister Avi Dichter for holding a press conference during Wednesday’s bulldozer terror attack.

*Hizbullah’s report state’s Ron Arad died 20 years ago.

*President Shimon Peres stated there is no chance of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) bringing peace between his people and Israel.

*Turkey: Israel and Syria to hold another round of talks later this month.

*Rebbitzin Samin will be buried on erev Shabbos. Time for levaya to be announced.

*America remains firm in demands that uranium enrichments halts before America enters into negotiations.

*Motor vehicle offices to begin sanctions on Sunday in protest against privatization plans.

*Israeli and Hizbullah representatives have signed the Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal, making it final.

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