Gedolei Yisrael: “Tear The Gates Of Shamayim As Each Day’s Curse Is Worse Than The Next”

Gedolei Yisrael

A letter was published on Tuesday by HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanviesky and HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein calling on Klal Yisrael to be mechazeik in tefillah and achhdus in wake of numerous recent tragedies, world turmoil, and the Israeli government’s anti-religious decrees.

The letter states: “We’re in a situation where each day’s curses are worse than the next and the passuk ‘כי תמצאן רעות רבות וצרות’ is being fulfilled in us with terrible and painful tragedies and a multitude of severe illnesses, lo aleinu, and the government’s decrees that seek to uproot all of Yisrael’s connection to Yahadus and the plots to harm lomdei haTorah, chas v’chalilah. Surely Hashem is doing all this in order to awaken us and draw us closer.”

“Apart from all this, the world is in turmoil and nobody knows what the next day will bring. The danger of war in one location can have repercussions throughout the world. Chazal already said that no punishment comes to the world except for Yisrael.”

“There’s an absolute obligation for us to grasp the art of our forefathers to tear down the gates of Shamayim in tefillah, and each person should add a perek of Tehillim daily and be mechazeik in limmud haTorah as much as possible and especially arouse themselves in matters of bein adam l’chaveiro so that everyone is united.”

The Gedolim also called on bnei yeshivos to be mechazeik in focusing exclusively on limmud Torah.

The letter concludes by stating that “through the chizzuk in all these things we’ll be zocheh to the yeshuah of Yisrael quickly like was done to our forefathers during this month which was transformed into simcha.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Yes, but it’s the same old and again same old. Learn more Torah, do more Yom Kippur Koton and have more Achdus between one jew and his fellow jew.
    The problems are getting worse and we’re not bringing anything new to the table.

  2. IDK, maybe Hashem is trying to send them a message, especially the yougest guy standing in the middle of the picture after all that has transpired in the last two years.
    Hameivin Yavin, but we all need some inner reflection since:
    אין אדם רואה נגעי עצמו

  3. This is beneficial as Meshiach will come when we have reached the lowest level when the only one we can rely on is our Father in Heaven.

  4. “The problems are getting worse and we’re not bringing anything new to the table.”

    We dont need anything new . More Torah and Tefillah is and always has been the only way!

  5. to ader
    let us just fix up the same old the same old. The gemara says
    תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: אַרְבָּעָה צְרִיכִין חִזּוּק, וְאֵלּוּ הֵן: תּוֹרָה, וּמַעֲשִׂים טוֹבִים, תְּפִלָּה, וְדֶרֶךְ אֶרֶץ.

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