Israel: Baby Dies After Catching COVID, New Mother & Infant Fight For Their Lives

Illustrative. A nurse stands in the children's ICU for coronavirus patients at Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem on January 22, 2020. (Courtesy/Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem)

A five-month-old baby passed away at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem on Monday after contracting COVID.

The baby suffered from serious underlying issues and his condition deteriorated after contracting COVID and he began having breathing difficulties. The doctors fought for his life but he ultimately succumbed to the illness.

In another COVID-related incident, a woman in her 30s in her 29th month of pregnancy was hospitalized in the ICU at the Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba after contracting COVID.

Unfortunately, her condition worsened and the doctors sedated and ventilated her on Monday and performed an emergency C-section in order to save the lives of both mother and baby.

On a happier note, the number of seriously ill COVID cases is continuing to fall and dropped below 1,000 on Monday for the first time since January.



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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. This is of course, not to possibly add discomfort to those in mourning or seeking greater privacy.

    However, being that ‘covid’ causation has many ‘narratives’, and this post appears to have a ‘main stream narrative’ detectable by its silence on ‘vaccination’ status of the affected.

    There are veritable stacks of documented testimonies and credentialed research showing that since the ‘delta’ variant back in last March, almost all ‘covid cases’ had somewhat different symptomatology than the initial ones from before the ‘vaccine’ launch, and are considered to have causation due to the viruses injected with the ‘vaccine’. (Earlier ‘covid cases’ have different symptoms, and are more easily correlated with cell-based blood poisoning (due largely to wireless EMF radiation such as 5g, rolled out in Wuhan and Milan, Italy when the early epidemics occurred there).

    Initial cases were more primarily attributed to virus formation in the gut due to glyphosate ingestion from similarly sprayed foods (Roundup is the typical brand of this widely used herbicide), and general weak gut adverse affects. These leave many with greater susceptibility to flu quizziness and cytostorm reactions that are known causal factors in ‘c19’.

  2. Why you guys have to put this type of headlines?
    Are you the same as all the media outlets that just want to panic the population?

  3. 29th MOMTH of pregnancy…..seems she had more problems than covid!
    but, on a more serious note, do you have her name for tehillim? and that of the baby? may Hashem send them both a refuah bekorov

  4. To Lastword
    I am not super pro vaccine but I have to call out your post for being nonsensical.
    The case presented did mention other medical problems.
    I am aware of concerns yet the vaccine in the USA does not contain the Covid virus. You are spouting nonsense.
    There is no evidence of EMF causing Covid and Roundup has been used for decades before Covid arrived.
    deal in facts or stop posting.

  5. ShloimieB:
    How are you so sure that the “vaccine” does not cause Covid? Do you know what is in it and how every ingredient in there interacts with the body?
    Do you know how many people came down with Covid after being in contact with people who had gotten one of the shots?

    Regarding Roundup having been used for decades, that doesn’t in any way mean that it is safe. Just for example, cigarettes were also used for even longer and only later on did everyone discover that they are deadly.

    As well, certain diseases have skyrocketed over the decades, which makes no sense if there were more medical treatments available and more progress, etc. So, obviously, there must be some cause for that.

    Before ridiculing anything, it would make sense to first know the facts.

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