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Gafni Slams Magen David Adom: “Donate Blood To Hospitals, Not Via MDA”

UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni excoriated Magen David Adom on Tuesday during a meeting of the Knesset’s Health Committee about Israel’s shortage of blood reserves.

“There’s a shortage of blood throughout the world and in Israel due to Omicron, and naturally everything should be done to encourage as many blood donors as possible,” Gafni said. “Magen David Adom does just the opposite. ‘Father’ and ‘mother’ are just as much a part of family life as they’ve been all these years – and suddenly this is a reality that’s being debated.”

“Writing ‘Parent 1′ and Parent 2’ is eliminating family values. The Health Minister took money from the medication basket to give money to transvestites. [Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, who himself is part of the LGBTQ community, allocated part of Israel’s yearly medication budget for voice change surgery for transvestites.] Someone who takes money from cancer patients doesn’t have the authority to speak about human life.”

“MDA needs the Health Ministry and they have a vested interest in finding favor in the eyes of the Health Minister. I’m not calling for a boycott or not to donate but people should donate to hospitals and through organizations and not through those who seek to please Nitzan Horowitz and those who violate family values.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Question
    We have money 💰 for health purposes

    Should we give it to:
    B) VOICE change for Trans retards

    If you chose B you are a liberal and fit right in with the Israeli left

  2. To y2r: I would guess the number of retards among the Trans population is about the same as among the rest of the population, so the cost of giving the Trans retards voice changes is probably very low, leaving enough left over for cancer patients.

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