NEAR-LYNCH: Israeli Escapes With His Life From Shechem Minutes After IDF Operation

Police spokesperson

An Israeli taxi driver who entered Shechem on Tuesday in order to have it serviced at a mechanic was almost lynched by Arabs enraged over the elimination of three terrorists by Israeli forces minutes earlier.

The Arabs threw rocks, tires, and other objects at him, breaking all the windows of his taxi while screaming: “Burn the car! Burn the car!”

The Israeli unknowingly entered the town minutes after the operation took place.

By a neis, the Israeli escaped with his life intact, only suffering light injuries.

The taxi driver, Naaman, told Radio 103FM on Wednesday morning: “They destroyed my whole car, they didn’t leave a single window. Twenty Arabs threw 5-kilo rocks at me. Palestinian policemen had to escort me out to IDF soldiers. I didn’t know about the elimination [of the terrorists]. That’s the last time I’m going there.”

Israelis commonly enter Palestinian cities [at their own risk] for various services that are cheaper across the Green Line, although it is forbidden by Israeli law to enter Area A – areas under full Palestinian control.

The Israeli was detained by police for questioning and was conditionally released.

“Israelis who enter Area A violate the law and endanger their security and wellbeing,” Israel Police said in a statement.

Thousands of Palestinians participated in a mass funeral for the terrorists on Tuesday afternoon in Shechem, screaming out for revenge and waving Hamas flags, as can be seen below:

According to Israel Police, the operation was not a targeted killing as Israeli security officials first tried to arrest the terrorists, who were imminently planning to commit terror attacks in addition to the four attacks against Israelis they committed in recent weeks. The terrorists were killed in self-defense only after they prepared to shoot at the Israeli security officials.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. why in the world does Israel even allow these animals to live in OUR Eretz Yisrael if all they want to do is murder every Jew they can get their hands on…

    they are playing games with jewish lives, and negotiating with these murderous savages…

    Israel should obliterable them!

  2. If the IL govt had any fear of heaven they would immediately lock down Eretz Yisrael and set a safety perimeter around jewish households and wage a war of attrition on the arab population to clear eretz yisrael of these רוצחים in all populated areas of the West Bank as well as lay siege to the gaza strip and obliterate all the Arabs.

    but of course they wont do that because they have no yiras shamayim and are too afraid of what Uncle Sam or the UN thinks instead of earnestly protecting the lives of the Jews in Israel.

    the Israeli government is responsible for every jewish death at the hands of the Arabs whether it be terrorism, or rocket attacks, suicide vests, shootings, stabbings…etc, they are responsible for all of them. Image what their parents and grandparents who were helplessly murdered by the Nazis ימח שמם in the Holocaust would think, knowing that now Israel is strong for the first time in its history and the Jews have the evident upper hand and overwhelming firepower, but choose not to use it to defend their own people because they have too much compassion for their enemies who wish to – and have already murdered – tens of thousands of their Jewish brothers and sisters in their own country…

    the govt with all their guns and tanks, police and army, have a responsibility of Pikuach Nefesh for the yidden of E”Y; thus not fulfilling this role makes them entirely illegitimate! they are only asking for more troubles from Hashem if they continue down this path…

    – sickening –

  3. The IDF should have put extra security in the area knowing that the arabs are all riled up from their previous operation, until a significant amount of time passes.

  4. The most important thing in the world is to save a dollar.
    The second most important thing is to watch your life that arabs don’t break your bones.

  5. “That’s the last time I’m going there.”

    Really?! Nah. Come on. You’re kidding, right?

    Israelis commonly enter Palestinian cities [at their own risk] for various services that are cheaper across the Green Line, although it is forbidden by Israeli law to enter Area A – areas under full Palestinian control.

    Typical chiloni fish dib. Put your life in danger in order to save 5 shekolim. Tempel.

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