Compromise Reached in Autopsy Controversy

zaka.jpgAccording to ZAKA leader Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, a compromise agreement was reached earlier this evening between police and chareidi leaders.

Rebbitzin Tziona Samin A”H, who was killed during a robbery in her Ashkelon home on Wednesday, will undergo an MRI in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital instead of an autopsy. The agreement was reached between police and ZAKA, and it was later endorsed by the Supreme Court. ZAKA explained that the ‘external autopsy’ is acceptable in many countries, and can assist authorities in scientifically determining the cause of death.

As a result of the agreement, the court proceedings were halted.

Earlier in the day, protestors in the Meah Shearim and Shmuel HaNavi neighborhoods of Yerushalayim took to the streets in stormy demonstrations, setting garbage receptacles ablaze. At one point, Tzefania Street and other area crossings were closed as a result of the protests. Buses were re-routed.

YWN reported earlier [HERE] that the Rebbitzin died after burglars during the afternoon hours bound and gagged her. It appears that she was tied down by the thieves during the afternoon hours while she was about to prepare a meal, based on the evidence in the kitchen. She either suffocated to death or suffered a heart attack due to the traumatic incident. She was found dead by her husband, Rav Yosef Shlita, upon his return home later in the day.

Meshi-Zahav and others condemned Israel Police for the department’s willingness and eagerness to perform autopsies, despite family protest and despite the fact that in many cases, such as this one, the cause of death is directly related to the obvious events.

He also rejected accusations that the chareidim are quick to resort to violence in such cases, explaining the violence in many cases, including the current one, resulted in a police willingness to exhibit flexibility, which was not present before angry residents took to the streets.

In Yerushalayim, chareidim vow to continue protests until such time that the body of the Rebbitzin is released for kvura.

Adding to the frustration is the fact that ZAKA raised funds for 5 MRI machines according to Meshi-Zahav, who explained he agreed that four would be used for the living and the fifth for virtual autopsies to avoid the situation that exists today. To his dismay he added, the government bureaucracy has delayed the actualization of the purchase and set up of the units.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. #1, what is surprising? They ALWAYS have done everything in their power keneged HaTorah b’davka. Even if there was no reason for it.

    So what do you expect them to honor Jewish law against autopsies in such a serious matter?

  2. These stupid zionist do it just for spite how on earth could the woman have died. even in america they would not think of this

  3. And so, #1-3, no doubt you would be complaining three months down the line that the hateful tziyoini police haven’t caught a suspect in the Robbery/murder because they hate the Chareidim so much that they don’t care to properly investigate the Rebbetzin’s murder. Yes, the MRI is the right way to go. of coure. But do you think they are running a kindergarten there, or a country- with all of a country’s challenges, including, R’L, criminals and murderers? Though they should always act with as much sensitvity to shmiras mitzvos as possible, they never promised the chareidi public – or anyone else, that they would treat meisim k’das vodin. And how have our poskim ruled on forensic investigation? Do we even have responsa on such matters (other than the obvious element of full autopsy) since the advent of fingerprints, microscopes, chemical analysis, toxicology, etc? Do you care, or is this just one more opportunity to stomp on the tziyoinim?

  4. these tziyonim are just rishaim even if there is aknife sticking into a persons heart they want to do an autopsy just to make sure it really was the knife that killed him!!!!!!!!!!yimach shmam vizichram!!!!!

  5. at least they didn’t cut her up.
    p.s. the levaya was in Yerushalayim this morning, leaving from Kikar Shabbos to Har HaMenuchos.

  6. I just have to say that I was by kikar shabbos when all this was going on, it was a massive chilul hashem!

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