Report: Trampling Of Kashrus Continues? Kahana To Close Fraud Unit

Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana (Danny Shem Tov/Knesset spokesperson)

Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana told kashrus supervisors in private conversations that he will be closing down the Rabbanut’s kashrus fraud department as part of his reforms, Yisrael Hayom reported.

Kahana claims that the new body that will be established in its place will have broader authoritative powers but at this point, it is unclear who will be responsible for the new department.

Sources in the Rabbanut and kashrus organizations fear that minimizing the Rabbanut’s power to enforce fraud violations will dramatically increase incidents of fraud, saying that any governmental organization will be subject to political and financial pressures.

The Koshrot organization, which is leading the fight against Kahana’s reforms, stated: “Replacing a professional appointment with a political appointment is exactly what we’ve warned of all along. We warned that competition in kashrus will raise prices and lower reliability. A reality in which there is no professional body in Israel responsible for kashrus fraud is a reward for kashrus violators.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It’s appalling that this seemingly frum guy wishes to inflict so much damage against Torah. Frankly I’m flabbergasted! This is what the Satmar Rebbe zatzal has foresaw and warned about.

  2. Score won for the Hareidim. Now the Religious Zionists will have to deal with kashrus the way Jews in America do, instead of trusting the largely secular government. Frankly, I can’t see why anyone would have ever trusted a hecksher from Bibi (except for, perhaps, Menachem Begin, no Israeli leader has been unquestionably shomer mitzvos since Bayis Sheini, and even the frum Yidden didn’t trust the government in halachic matters but instead ran a parallel non-state halachic establishment to support Yiddishkeit).

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