Israeli Research: Vitamin D Critical in Fighting Covid-19 Infections

(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

Israeli scientists have published convincing proof that increasing Vitamin D levels can be extremely helpful in treating Covid-19.

Researchers from Bar Ilan University and Galilee Medical Center said that their research evidence is so strong that they can predict how a Covid-19 patient will fare by measuring just two factors: age and Vitamin D levels.

The research could also help to explain why Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths have recently soared in Israel, despite the country having some of the arcane restrictions in the world. Vitamin D deficiency is endemic across the Middle East, and if the researchers are right, this alone could be the cause of high hospitalization and mortality rates in the Jewish State.

“We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you’re not,” said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician and Bar Ilan researcher.

“What we’re seeing when vitamin D helps people with COVID infections is a result of its effectiveness in bolstering the immune systems to deal with viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system,” he told The Times of Israel. “This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants.”

Vitamin D has long been suspected as being a crucial piece of the puzzle towards finding a good therapeutic option for Covid-19 patients, but data remained sparse until now.

Researchers in June showed that 26% of Vitamin D-deficient patients died from Covid-19, while just 3% of patients with normal levels of the vitamin died.

“People should learn from this that studies pointing to the importance of taking vitamin D are very reliable, and aren’t based on skewed data,” Dror said. “And it emphasizes the value of everyone taking a vitamin D supplement during the pandemic, which, consumed in sensible amounts in accordance with official advice, doesn’t have any downside.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. Covid is something the health sector and your PCP to deal with, not government.
    Private drs are giving VitaminD, C, and Zinc. I’m a year from now the government will say the same thing that we already knew. Uncle Sam hav our backs, don’t force us to hold your hand.

  2. This was known and spoken about by other experts as early as Fall of 2020 but thrown in the bottomless bin of “misinformation” by corporate media and ignored by many including this site…

  3. BS”D
    Mazal tov!
    Dr. Mercola and other spewers of “misinformation” have been writing about this since almost the beginning of the plandemic.
    Glad YWN’s editors have joined the “conspiracy theorists” and antivaxxers.

  4. @G-d Bless … Cruz, you do know he only likes Jews because they are needed to brinfgthe Armageddon. He also doesn’t mind to take their money.

  5. Tell me something we didn’t know literally at the beginning of the pandemic. Dr Zelenko said vitamin D before anybody even suggested it. All the people who were trying to avoid being hospitalized and killed were advised by friendly people and relatives- NOT god forbid by medical authorities- to take vitamin d, c zinc and ivermectin. There are now dozens of strong published reliable studies proving that ivermectin- yes, horse paste, is quite effective. Thanks Fauci for murdering over half a million Americans and countless people worldwide with your insistence on only using new , dangerous expensive EUA drugs instead of cheap drugs we already know are safe.

  6. There are previous studies showing that people with Vit D deficiency have harder cases of Covid. for example, Feb 2021 article on mayo clinic site. This paper seems to further emphasize that.

    What was not shown, though, that Vit D can help in treatment or even in prevention by taking vitamins. It may be possible that either there is a hidden missing association – that people deficient in D have other associated conditions or social characteristics (say, exercising less and having poor diet); and possibly longer times are required to build up defenses.

    Bottom line – it makes sense to make sure one is not deficient in D, and if is – get vitamins. Other ways of getting healthier (and younger!) will also help – but vitamins are not substitute for vaccines, masks, and common sense.

  7. No conspiracy theory about Vitamin D….would be interesting to know at what level of potency it appears to have the highest efficacy. I’ve been taking 3000 units/day for years so hopefully, it is one of several factors (along with the vaccines and good luck) that have kept us healthy these past two years.

  8. One thing to note that halav stam often has Vitamin D added to it, but I don’t think halav isroel does. another reason to have supplements.

  9. Mazal tov! So now we can take vit. D without being a kofer in the medical system, now we get their “official” “approval”, it’s great because until yeshiva world didn’t post it I didn’t want to fall out of line and think that vitamin D might help with covid, after all the FDA didn’t say so and I was afraid yeshivaworld might call me a conspiracy theorist. Sheww! Now that yeshivaworld said it, I don’t have to be afraid anymore, and I can say what I believe.

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