Hero Soldier Almost Did Not Get Into the Army

t.jpgHero IDF Golani Brigade soldier Private Moshe Plasser, who eliminated the Jerusalem bulldozer terrorist on Wednesday, almost did not get into the army, YWN has learned.

He was arrested at a Jerusalem protest against the government’s 2005 Disengagement Plan, the removal of Gaza’s Jewish community along with communities in northern Shomron.

He was beaten by police and labeled a criminal, then labeled as unsuitable for military service due to his ‘tainted past’ and alignment with radical elements.

The same soldier saluted on Wednesday by President Shimon Peres refused to accept the verdict and fought his way back into the IDF, and eventually extricated himself from his limited service and managed to make his way to an elite Sayeret unit. Three days after completing his basic training he becomes a national hero.

Click HERE to watch BBC video footage of the terrorists getting shot by Moshe Plasser.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Not that it really matters, but just for the sake of accuracy, other news has reported Moshe Plasser did shoot the terrorist but not mortally. Someone else actually killed him. He was shot by four different people while persisting in his murderous act and finally killed.

  2. How does YWN know that he completed besaic traing for sayeret?
    Sayeret are a top secret army unit where it’s members dont go around bragging that they are in it..

  3. To your typical Israeli you are not a man unless you have been through the army. It is probably the most embarassing thing for a guy to admit.

  4. as far as I’m concerned, that when he got those three bullets the front wheelers stopped moving and realistically he started dying. So the rampage was then over!!!! Dying doesn’t always take a second.

  5. i heard that he is the brother in law of David Shapira who shot the terrorist at yeshivas mercaz harav.

  6. to #1: Firstly: “M” Killed the jihadist it is obvious in all fotage.

    Answer to # 2: Sayeret is not a unit but a title meaning Patrol like in Sayert Golani (were M searves) Sayeret Tsanchanim, Sayeret Nahal etc. In every Unit there is a Company with the best guys who form the Sayaert. althoght hard to get into and hard to stay in, there is nothing secret in these units.

    to #3: a)whats your point? B)Is M not maan enough for you? C) in the Charedi comunity if you wer not in Yeshivah your not a man.

    To # 6: Im sorry to inform you but the reason his name is censored and his Identity Hiden is mearly becouse he wished to stay annonimous (anovo we call it)

    To#7: true and one of the killed was his cousin HAyad
    sorry about the spelling I have no KOACH for Spell-check and proofreading

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