DISGRACING THE KOSEL: Reform MK Breaks Promise, Joins Women Of Wall, Woman Violates Sefer Torah

Women of the Wall at the Kosel on Wednesday morning.

Labor MK Gilad Kariv broke his promise to President Yitchak Herzog and came to the Kosel together with the Women of the Wall on Wednesday morning for Shacharis of Rosh Chodesh Adar Aleph.

One woman in the group smuggled a Sefer Torah into the women’s section by hiding it underneath her clothing, in complete violation of its kedushah, a move decried by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which called it a “horrific and severe chillul hakodesh opposite the avnei kodesh.”

“A small group of Reform women of Women of the Wall headed by MK Gilad Kariv arrived at the Kosel plaza and dug in their heels in their battle, like they declared last week that their goal is to come and demonstrate at the Kosel on their world view regarding the nature of religion in the state of Israel,” the foundation stated.

“Unfortunately MK Kariv chose to attend this event despite President Herzog’s appeal to him because his presence stirs things up and turns the Kosel plaza into a battlefield.”

“The group violently broke out of the area designated for them, again violating all the agreements reached with them by the president and the Justice Ministry. The group acted violently against Orthodox mispallelos and pushed them in order to reach the Kosel.”

Blue and White MK Alon Tal also attended the Women of the Wall’s demonstration.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. עַל זֶה הָיָה דָוֶה לִבֵּנוּ עַל אֵלֶּה חָשְׁכוּ עֵינֵינוּ
    עַל הַר צִיּוֹן שֶׁשָּׁמֵם שׁוּעָלִים הִלְּכוּ בוֹ


  3. Proof that once again, the left is always on offense and gaining ground. The right barely can keep up with defense. That’s why the world is descending into chaos.

  4. Yashar – this truly hurts right to the bones. however to help stop it, you can either curse them with all your might, or, Beg Hashem they shall all do Tshuveh now. – I believe the latter is what WE yidden should be doing – perhaps.

  5. It’s the chareidims fault.
    If a third of Jerusalem is chareidim and one third Arabs and one third everyone else, why can’t chareidim stop these few lunatic women. And why can’t chareidim stop the yearly gay parades. And why are tattoo shops allowed in Jerusalem. And why are so many streets open shabbos.
    Where is the outrage. Why don’t chareidim lock down the city.

  6. How come nobody ever said anything when the Zionists had their IDF induction ceremonies, about as unholy as one can get, at the Kosel?

    Obviously, because that was a Zionist ceremony, so idolatry at the Kosel is okay, I guess.

  7. I’m a woman of the wall, and the sinah that so many commenters here have against my sisters and I who wish to daven and connect to hashem in our way is just shocking. This is what sinas chinam looks like.

  8. Lololol – I am actually shocked by your sisters behavior. Davening to Hashem is an activity that should be done with reverence, respect and humility. Hashem knows whats in our hearts, He knows if you are davening to Him or with other political intentions. Pretending that you want to daven?? Pretending that you love the Torah (really?? the bathroom?)? Pretending that you are peaceful?? You can fool yourselves but you cant fool us. Search your heart honestly. To connect with Hashem (we capitalize His name, by the way) all you need to do is talk to Him. He is right there in you. No need to hurt His holy sites, No need to create disturbances. No need to bring His Torah to the bathroom.

  9. Are you sure?
    I was at the kosel Wednesday morning (from approximately 6:00 – 7:30 am) and saw no sign of a sefer Torah anywhere.

    Btw, it was a chilly morning, when I arrived at the kosel I was wearing a thick jacket. When I passed the security guards, they asked me to unzip my jacket and open it for them. I wondered if they thought I was a terrorist! It never occurred to me that I was being suspected of carrying a Torah! 🙄😮

  10. @Englisher: I’ll settle in doing both for now, misafeik. So, in addition to my sentiments above, I will state: Horehem Hashem Darkecha! Thank you.

  11. While they’re wrong, they’ve never had meaningful exposure to the beautiful truths of Torah so how can they be blamed for not accepting what we know to be its beautiful truth. No amount of name calling is going to make a dent in the way of thinking they believe in so firmly. I daven that Anat bas Varda and her friends should be zoche to have their hearts and eyes opened by Heaven and come to accept the truth. I suggest that a special Sefer Torah be written and read from at the Kosel while they’re doing their thing, in the merit of which Heaven may have mercy on their neshomos and open their hearts to the truth of Torah. Like Ben Hash I see in this whole saga confirmation of the Satmar Rav’s insight that the Kedusha of the Kosel attracts some very serious kinds of klipas. May Hashem protect all Jews, including these women, from them.

  12. Righteous Jews do not pray for these Reformers to do Tishuva; as the Reformers are Machtee HaRabim and want to turn other Jews away from genuine Judaism. When righteous Jews protest what the Reformers are doing; the Reformers scream, “Sinas Chinam,” even though they have no understanding of Sinas Chinam really is.

    As is said in Tehillim Chapter 139, “Do I not hate those who hate you, Hashem? With those who rise up against You, I quarrel. I hate them with utmost hatred; they have become my enemies.”

    There is no such thing as “daven and connect to hashem in our way.” There is only one way to connect to Hashem, and that is as dictated to us by His holy Torah. For women, this means connecting to Hashem via Tznius.

    The Reform religion is not Judaism, even though the Reformers call it a type of Judaism. The Reformers don’t even believe in the Divine origin of the Torah. This entire business with the Kosel is merely a political move for the Reformers to get what they want in the Holy Land.

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