TRAGEDY IN JERUSALEM: 12-Year-Old Chareidi Boy Dies In Fire

An 11-year-old Chareidi boy was killed in a fire that broke out in an apartment in the Musrara neighborhood of Jerusalem on Tuesday night.

Firefighters who arrived at the scene found a fire blazing on the fourth floor of the four-story building, with the boy trapped inside his room. Four firefighting teams worked to douse the flames and rescue the boy, who was immediately transferred to emergency medical responders. Unfortunately, there was nothing for them to do but declare his death.

The father was were lightly injured and was treated at the scene for smoke inhalation and evacuated to the hospital for further treatment. A daughter was saved from harm since she wasn’t home when the fire broke out, only arriving home afterward.

The boy was later identified as Eliyahu Shor, z’l. He left behind grieving parents and three older sisters.

The fire also caused heavy damage to the building.

The police opened an investigation into the cause of the fire and initial findings show that the probable cause was a “heat fan” that caused an electrical short circuit.


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Eliyahu Shor z’l was 11.5.
    His grandparents are from NYC.
    His oldest sister is married his other two older sisters were not at home that evening.
    Shiva at Rechov Daniel, Yerushalayim.
    Musrara neighborhood.
    Bsuros Tovos

  2. Dear DavidtheKanoi, we had a smoke detector – it was in the kitchen area, where we expected fires to break out. We also had a fire extinguisher in the middle of the house, which proved insufficient to put out the fires by Eliyahu’s bed. A fire extinguisher can only alert you to a fire, it doesn’t actually put it out. What woke us wasn’t the fire extinguisher, but rather the explosion (whose origin is unknown). And yet we were unable to put out the fires.
    Eliyahu z”l loved people and was dan le-kaf zechus. Please try to do the same l’ilui nishmato.

  3. Dear DavidtheKanoi, we had a smoke detector – it was in the kitchen area, where we expected fires to break out. We also had a fire extinguisher in the middle of the house, which proved insufficient to put out the fires by Eliyahu’s bed. A smoke detector can only alert you to a fire, it doesn’t actually put it out. What woke us wasn’t the smoke detector, but rather the explosion (whose origin is unknown). And yet we were unable to put out the fires.
    Eliyahu z”l loved people and was dan le-kaf zechus. Please try to do the same l’ilui nishmato.

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