Rebbitzin Dead Following Ashkelon Robbery

candle72.gif“A real tragedy” is how Ashkelon residents are describing the robbery which claimed the life of Rebbitzin Tziona Samin A”H, 60. The Rebbitzin was bound and gagged by burglars who forced their way into her home. Paramedics tried without success to resuscitate her. They were simply too late. It appears she suffocated to death.

Rav Yosef Samin, her husband, returned home to the horrific sight, seeing his Rebbitzin lifeless, bound and gagged, unable to save her. The rav summoned MDA and paramedics arrived in short time, but they were too late to breathe life back into the victim.

Police report the robbery occurred at about 3:00PM, stating jewelry was stolen from the home, adding there were no signs of violence on the body of the victim.

The couple is well known in the area, with Rav Yosef serving as the rav for the local Yemenite community. He is known for his exemplary skills as a mohel, with decades of experience. The victim many neighbors explain, was a second mother to many area residents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. AND the chutzpa is that from announcments in the streets of yerushalayim it sounds like they either did or want to do an autopsy.
    we should only hear simchas.

  2. It’s not just announcements at this point: there are currently full-fledged dumpster burnings going on near Kikar Shabbos, and Egged buses have not been through the entire Geulah area all day. I wonder why YWN hasn’t reported anything about them yet…

  3. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes. This is chevlei mashiach, but may it be the last of the ‘pangs’-let Mashiach come NOW!

  4. boruch dayan haemes….on such a wonderful yiddeshe neshoma, who i understand did much to help other yiddeshe mispochas in her community. i wonder if they arabs or who knows maybe even jewish rotzchim bent on g’nevah v’gezaila. hashem y’rachem……

  5. This is a directy result of allowing in non-Jews as Jews – AND Giyur Kehalacha!
    Why do we listen to the stupid Bagatz who can only bring goyim and terrorists to the land of Israel – THE LAND OF THE JEWS!

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