Batsheva Unterman HY”D

candle71.gifBatsheva Unterman HY”D, 33, was one of three fatalities in Wednesday’s terror attack. The bulldozer struck her vehicle, killing her instantly, apparently due to a head injury. 4-month-old Efrat was found aside the lifeless body of her mother, unaware of the dangers that loomed. It took a few moments for rescue personnel to evaluate the situation, but they soon realized the painful reality, the young mother was dead and alongside her, an infant who will never know her mother. They were unable to open the vehicle due to the damage caused by the bulldozer, but they report Efrat remained calm, only beginning to cry after they gained entry and unbuckled her, and picked her up – perhaps aware of the strange hands replacing mom’s warm embrace.

For three hours Udi Unterman, Efrat’s husband, waited at her parent’s house until eventually, he was reunited with Efrat, who was transported to Shaare Zedek Hospital. Efrat was transported by EMTs to the hospital and for hours, her mother was sought until it became apparent Batsheva was not among the survivors.

Only after Udi embraced his young daughter did he permit himself to fall apart, showing the emotion, pain and anguish that was now his life. Shortly thereafter he handed Efrat to his in-laws, realizing the most difficult task is still ahead, to identify the body of his wife.

In the morning, Batsheva took Efrat to the HMO. After they left, she strapped her into her car seat and began driving, unknowingly, to become a victim of the lone terrorist and his lethal bulldozer.

MDA volunteer Jeremy Aaronson, 20, from England, was among the first on the scene. He described the scene, explaining when he opened the door; Batsheva was covered in blood from her massive head injury. Efrat seemed to be occupied with the toys placed on her car seat by her mom when they left the HMO a short time earlier.

When the bulldozer struck the fatal blow, Ido was at work in Bank Leumi. He did not hear about the attack. His cellular telephone was turned off. Social workers at Jerusalem City Hall tried to contact him, without success.

Batsheva’s parents heard about the attack, realizing she was in the area, and tried to contact her. Her cell phone was not responding. They became concerned, but tried to think positively. In the meantime, Efrat was in the emergency room of Shaare Zedek Medical Center, where the staff tried to locate her parents.

Ido is the grandson of Rav Isser Yehuda Unterman ZT”L, a late Ashkenazi chief rabbi and noted Godol B’Torah.

The young couple was seriously looking into buying a home in Beit Shemesh but now, Ido will bring his late wife to her eternal rest. The levaya is scheduled for Thursday morning at 11:30 in Har Menuchos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. The story as reported here, is not 100% correct. The baby was saved from the car after it had been smashed the first time, but seconds before it was crushed totally by the terrorist. The mother was still alive and managed to unbuckle the baby. Yedidya (Jeremy)Aronson, 20, from Manchester who “happened” to be walking nearby, managed to pull the badly damaged door open with the help of 2 other men and, as the bulldozer approached again, pulled the baby out. What a zchus!

  2. All K’lal Yisroel is hurting deeply with this latest tragedy and the one of the murdered rebbetzein. It is very painful to read about these stories but we are ALL aveilim with the relatives. These are kedoshim,Hashem’s special representatives to spur us all in improving our ways.The world is in a deep crisis and the politicians are merrilly moving on as if their solutions will improve the situation. They are so wrong! Anyone with a little knowledge of recent and old history,must notice these messages from Hashem. May this Rosh Chodesh bring a renewal of brochos to all K’lal Yisroel and the rest of the world!This month is the time to remember the churbonos in our history and the lessons we must learn from them.May we ALL be zoche to a month and more,of only happy news.

  3. May Hakodosh Boruch Hu be menachem all the families who lost loved ones, and all of klal yisroel, as we are ALL in pain from this tragedy. To hear about this little baby orphaned from her mother, reduces me to tears.(As well as the orphaned children from the other victims) May the families have the strength to go on and may we only hear besuros tovos from hereon.

  4. here are the Shiva details

    Goren Shiva
    Bilu 5 Telephone: 02-561-0526
    Shacharit: 6:30 AM
    Mincha: 7:30 PM Maariv: 8:15 PM

    Unterman Shiva
    3 Sokolov Telephone: 02-563-7204
    Shacharit: Friday: 8:00 AM; Sunday-Wednesday: 7:00 AM
    Mincha: 7:30 PM Maariv: 8:15 PM

    as long as there is light you ca fix

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