The Israeli Arab Anti-Zionist Mayor

In Nazareth, the mayor, Ramez Jarrisi does not make an attempt to hide his disdain for the state which has provided him with his current success and livlihood.

In the spirit of Israel’s 60th anniversary, the government of Austria sent the Spirit of Europe chamber orchestra to Israel to entertain, a gift on the special anniversary.

While the musicians did indeed perform in a number of venues, the planned event in Nazareth did not occur, since the mayor refused to do anything that would be interpreted as participating in the anniversary. The mayor stated he feels that he speaks for all Israeli Arabs when he says “there is nothing for him to celebrate.”

He went to great efforts to make his point, ordering the Israeli flags removed from the event hall, and the logo of the Israeli flag removed from the invitation. His decision to cancel the orchestra at the last moment did cause a bit of a diplomatic stir, but arrangements were made for the orchestra to play in Poriah Hospital in Tiveria, where they brought much joy to the appreciative audience.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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