In Cahoots With Ra’am: Lieberman Discriminates Against Charedi Schools

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Knesset spokesperson); Ra'am chairman Mansour Abbas. (Abir Sultan/Pool Photo via AP, File)

UTJ MK Yaakov Asher on Tuesday revealed how at the same time that the coalition is advancing the Chareidi draft law in the name of “equality,” it is discriminating against Chareidi schools in cooperation with the Islamic Ra’am party.

In a speech from the Knesset plenum, Asher said that there’s a clause in the state budget that provides funds for supplementary hours for “recognized but unofficial schools” or “exempt institutions.” These are schools that don’t meet all the requirements for being fully funded by the State, such as teaching all the core curriculum subjects, but do receive a small amount of funding – mainly some Chareidi and Arab schools.

Asher said that the chairman of the Finance Committee Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beiteinu) received an order from his boss and party leader, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, “not to add one shekel to the budget for unofficial schools.” However, in Lieberman’s perpetual quest to harm Chareidim, in this case, he was also harming the Arab sector.

According to Asher, “a meeting at the Finance Ministry with Ra’am representatives was held, at which they were told: ‘We’ll transfer the money just for you but we’re not passing it for Chareidim. The clause won’t be approved in order that the Chareidim won’t benefit but you can trust me that you’ll get the money.”

Asher excoriated Lieberman: “Even after he failed with the daycares, his response was that it was ‘a decision that harms the country’s citizens who serve in the IDF, work and pay taxes.’  This government knows how to respect beliefs of non-Jewish sectors, Muslim or Christian, but it has no consideration for the Chareidi public whose belief is Toras Yisrael.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. to punish schools that do not educate their students is in the interest of the state; to expect otherwise from a secular government would be silly

  2. I am not Satmar, but still believe, we would be best off without taking money from the Zionists. Much of the other trouble including the Draft bill would disappear.

  3. the Zionists are showing their true colors every day, they are not interested in “equality” or “sharing the burden” they are interested in destroying Torah, period NOTHING ELSE.

  4. Apparently, anyone who doesn’t want to waste tax $’s on schools that only “educate” on how not to have a job and riot is an antisemite!

  5. @Kach: what schools “only “educate” on how not to have a job and riot”? How many successful businessmen came out of those schools? How many Marbitzei Torah, Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos, teachers etc. etc graduated of those schools.
    In contrast; how many criminals, unemployeds graduated from the government school system? Not to mention the Arab schools.

  6. Kach, I’m confused. Why is someone who doesn’t want to waste taxpayers on schools that only educate on how not to have a job and riot is an anti-semite? You are of course, refering to Arab schools that teach hatred ,rioting, sedition and destruction of Jews, right????

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