SUPREME COURT VICTORY: Lieberman’s ‘Daycare Decree’ Blocked Until Next Year

Supreme Court judges rules against Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman's daycare decree. (GPO)

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that the revocation of daycare subsidies for the children of kollel avreichim is null and void until the beginning of the next school year.

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman instituted the law solely to harm Chareidim, without heeding professional opinions advising against the move and without providing any time for parents and daycare providers to prepare for the change. During the hearing, the judges said to the government representative: “How can you make such changes at one time in the middle of the year and without giving parents a reasonable amount of time to prepare?”

UTJ MK Yaakov Asher responded to the decision by stating: “Even the Supreme Court judges understood that Lieberman’s brutal step against Charedi mothers does not withstand any test of legality or logic. I thank the Emes L’Yaakov organization for its determined work against this draconian decree. B’Ezras Hashem, by next year this evil government will disappear together with its many decrees.”

“The legal battle proved itself,” the Emes L’Yaakov organization, which filed the appeal,  stated. “The Supreme Court accepted our position that the cuts were carried out in an irresponsible and improper fashion and postponed them until the next school year. We welcome the decision and call on the Finance Minister to revoke these harmful and pointless cuts.”

Lieberman wrote on Twitter in response to the decision: ‘We regret the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the change in criteria for receiving daycare subsidies – a decision that harms the country’s citizens who serve in the IDF, work and pay taxes. We will continue to work with all our might to integrate all the country’s citizens in the employment market.’

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The left wing “judges” did not cancel the changes, the y simply said you cannot do such things at a mements notice. The cuts will come into force in a few months no doubt together with other decrees of the rosha Lieberman.

  2. I agree with Lieberman. Many sit and learn, not contributing to society, yet they still expect the government to keep on paying and supporting them. They are benefiting off the tax dollars of other hard working people who also serve in the military and protect them.

  3. First step to integrate all the country’s citizens in the employment market, is to ensure there is no discrimination against chareidim in the employment market and that they can all find a job if they want in an environment suitable to them.
    What good is it to starve Avreiche Kollelim to death for not looking for a job and when a chareidy does turn up at an office he’ll be rejected for being chareidy, or he will be required to work with ladies hardly dressed….?

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