UNCONSCIONABLE: Israeli Police Under Questioning for Brutish Beating of Chareidi Man

Police detectives who beat a chareidi man during protests outside a cellphone store in the Geula neighborhood in Yerushalayim are being questioned by the Department of Internal Investigations under suspicion of unnecessarily assaulting him.

Chaim Mizrachi was brutally beaten by undercover police and arrested after he told them that they had scratched a car in the area. A court that heard the case following Mizrachi’s arrest blasted the police officers over their actions.

“Do you realize how serious this is?” the judge asked the police officers.

They were only able to stutter and stammer in response.

Saying she was “appalled” at what had occurred, the judge called the incident “totally senseless violence.”

“I find it impossible to understand how it could be that after viewing this documentation [of the police attack], the prisoner was not immediately released with apologies, and the case referred to the Police Investigations Department,” she said.

The police failed to respond to the judge but released a statement that didn’t address their actions following the hearing.

In a separate incident, Israeli Police are being accused of randomly arresting a bochur after he was in the vicinity when a cup of coffee was thrown at them.

According to reports, the boiling coffee was thrown at the officers while they were carrying out arrests in the Meah Shearim neighborhood about two months ago. Not knowing who threw it, the police entered the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok shul and chose a bochur at random to blame, grabbing him, dragging him out, and arresting him.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. According to reports, the boiling coffee was thrown at the officers while they were carrying out arrests in the Meah Shearim neighborhood about two months ago. Not knowing who threw it, the police entered the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok shul and chose a bochur at random to blame, grabbing him, dragging him out..

    according to which reports?? From the Director of Kool-Aid distribution??
    Not knowing who through it… that must be a Yeshivashe news exclusive … Love the declarative bias of the story
    Then again I’m a bit thirsty

  2. No words other than “Yemach shemam vizichram,” but @mobico and others said I can’t say that. So I’ll force myself to refrain and just retire to my chambers to sulk about how such Nazi pigs are divinely allowed to be merim yad against the she’eiris hapleita. Elokim, al dami lach!

  3. Incidents like these in Jerusalem will need to be reported to and to be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court for it to make a difference. Police Investigations Department does nothing. It’s not mesirah to pass a moser to goyish authorities.

  4. This HOLY BRUTALITY is what Herzl envisioned. Although I am far from Satmar, I think we must admit that the Holy Rebbe ZTZ”L had the TRUE PICTURE of Zionism

  5. This is what happens in a country where it’s a crime to insult a public servant. That’s what they charged Mr Mizrachi with: The police officer claimed that he had insulted him and said he should get cancer and choke, and that’s why he ordered his detectives to get out of the car and arrest him. In a free country policemen know that anyone is free to say anything they like about them, and they must simply bear it, just like any ordinary person must.

  6. It’s sickening, but what’s more sickening is that with all the noise, nothing will happen to the cops, not to them and not to their bosses, and the poor kid who got beaten will get no justice or remuneration. They just go on doing this type of stuff over and over again, with zero accountability and consequence. I thought Israel is a “democracy”

  7. When it comes to beating Jews the police and army are very heroic. When it comes to Arabs they fold like cheap cameras. We saw how they allowed 130 thousand Arabs to get free electricity to their illegal structures. But that’s be Yeshiva in Chomesh was not allowed electricity. I hate the Zionist more and more every day. Look what they did to gush Katif. Stop being fools you Dati leumi crowd. Don’t send your kids to join this immoral army. Learn from us chareidim.

  8. Does the previously commented “2 way street” occur in majority Arab neighborhoods? Or even in America? Or is it only required in parts of Jerusalem?
    Did the people in the article treat the cops like animals as well?

  9. Didnt look like a random arrest to me. Looked like they knew exactly who they were going after.
    I wonder how nypd cops would react if this was done to them????

  10. fake news yeshevaworld is full of fake news not at all reliable they change half the stories and they dont report a lot of them
    this website is worse then cnn

  11. K’ein at least one other commenter’s comment above, and as I have been thinking for a while: We need to rent a billboard in Times Square and play it on a loop… the Zionist government will fold and crack down on the police within two minutes…

  12. “Mamzeirim. Chayos. Goyim..”

    Toi: I assume you are referencing the violent Charedim who have been engaged in non-stop hafganot in recent years against lawful businesses or individuals who they feel are not sufficiently observant resulting in total disruption of traffic, fires, vandalism etc. OR are you somehow criticizing the security forces seeking to enforce the law?

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