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Israel’s “Omicron” Shabbos: Minyanim For COVID Patients Only

Due to the soaring number of Omicron cases in Israel, many minyanim for COVID positive mispallelim only were held over Shabbos, BChadrei Chareidim reported.

In the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Jerusalem, a simcha hall was used for a COVID minayn.

In Yeshivas Mir Brachfeld, a special Beis Medrash and dining room was set aside for bochurim and staff who tested positive.

The same scenario was reported in frum cities and neighborhoods throughout Israel.

COVID minyanim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It’s a good thing they’re all vaccinated
    Otherwise there would be tons of covid cases in Israel right now
    Glad we have the vaccine to stop it
    I’m up to number five and I only got covid twice so far so it’s working amazing

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