TEHILLIM: HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Contracts COVID-19

HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein

HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein has tested positive for COVID, an announcement from the elderly Rosh Yeshivah’s household stated on Sunday morning.

The Rosh Yeshivah, 98, was tested for COVID after experiencing a rise in his temperature.

HaRav Edelstein had just received the fourth vaccine dose on Thursday.

The diagnosis has sent shockwaves throughout the Torah world as the Rosh Yeshivah has been extremely cautious with health regulations throughout the pandemic, always receiving visitors and delivering shiurim behind a plastic divider. The Rosh Yeshivah also has been makpid that everyone in his household and his visitors always wear masks.

The Rosh Yeshivah is being supervised by doctors in his home.

The public is asked to daven for the refuah of HaGaon HaRav Yerachmiel Gershon Ben Miriam l’refuah sheleimah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I think by this time for those that have not got it straight yet , it has now become quite clear that the covid jabs are extremly effective in protecting one from receiving the virus . So I am sure that all you Anti-vaxxers will be running out to get your vaccines , all four of them , and by that time lining up for your fifith , sixth ,seventh etc. jab .

  2. Refuah Sheleima. This is proof that the vaccines and masks do NOT work . STOP THE JABBING. Four vaccines? I hope people learn from this. Also HaRav Edelstein had a plastic protector and all wore masks and HE STILL got COVID…. Something is fishy…

  3. He should have a speedy Refuoh Shleimah.

    How did this happen if he was being so careful?

    Well, we know he came into contact with someone on Thursday when he had his booster. This person should be on the list of suspects and checked out; otherwise, if the vaccinator is the contact, they could continue infecting other people. Obviously, all other contacts need to be traced ASAP as well.

  4. First and most important the Rav should have a refuah shlaima.
    As for the 4th shot, regardless of if it’s a good idea or not. If he just got the 4th shot Thursday and he already has Covid then he had probably already been infected and was too late for the 4th shot to be of any help.

  5. “klal yisarel (an individual!!) wrote:So what in the world DOES the vaccine protect you from??!

    The vaccines protect against severe illness from Covid-19, not contracting or transmitting the virus.
    L’refuah shlaima to the R”Y.

  6. Shame on all above posters whose first knee-jerk reaction had to be negative instead of first wishing for a Refuah Sh’laima. Secondly, at his advanced age – עד מאה ועשרים – having been in contact with someone infected could have brought it on regardless of the shot. The shot would certainly help to avoid serious consequences, Rachmana Litzlan. The vaccine is definitely a help in protecting be it 70%, 80%! There’s so much data on its effectiveness by now. It works! It definitely works albeit not 100%. All the people who have contracted it have had it much, much milder. Much, much milder!

  7. Refuag Shleimah to Rav Edelstein. His position could be inferred from articles about him, like when he appeared first time before fully vaccinated student body from behind the divider. YWN should have more articles about this way earlier before many people crystallized in their positions by watching at opposite behiavors. Maybe I missed those articles, but more likely they were not there.

    What we also see here that Omicron poses danger to those vulnerable who figured out how to be protected earlier. This is most likely to a very quick time – 1-2 days between propagating to the next person. That is, someone gets infected and before he knows that, passes it further in 1-2 days even before he is notified that his contact got sick. So, please raise protection level especially for the most vulnerable.

  8. yaapchik > All the people who have contracted it have had it much, much milder.

    For Omicron, there is less reduction in being infected both by the vaccine and by those who were sick by previous variants. At the same time, T-cell protection, that fights the later on, still exists for both groups, leading to milder diseases.

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