Agudath Israel Urges Prime Minister Naftali Bennett To Ease Travel Restrictions

Mr. Shlomo Werdiger with Prime minister Bennett at the 2018 Am Echad Mission to Israel

Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel, and Co-Chairman of Am Echad, sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, urging him to ease travel restrictions into Israel.

In the letter Mr. Werdiger explains the impact that the travel restrictions have on the Orthodox Jewish community in the United States as it prohibits parents from visiting their children who are learning or even living in Israel. Mr. Werdiger explains how this hardship also causes many to reconsider plans of making aliyah.

The letter concludes with a plea to ease the restrictions saying, “Respectfully, but urgently, I beseech you to re-evaluate the travel restrictions that make it so difficult for families to get together in Israel to celebrate family smachot, and to ease the restrictions in a way that continues to promote good health practices while still allowing for greater traffic flow into the State of Israel.”

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