Israel May Soon Reopen Its Skies Despite Soaring Infection Rate

Ben-Gurion Airport (AP)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that Israel is likely to almost completely open its skies this week even as Israel’s daily COVID cases continue to rise to the highest rate in four months and the number of seriously ill COVID patients soars.

During the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday, Tourism Minister Yoel Rezbozov said that vaccinated foreign nationals should be allowed to return to Israel due to the collapsing tourism industry and the negative effect of the lack of tourism on the economy.

“It should happen this week – we’ll reach the infection rate that we decided is necessary for the change,” Bennett responded.

The prime minister was referring to a decision he made when the skies were first closed after the Omicron variant began spreading – that when the number of Omicron cases diagnosed in Israelis returning from abroad is less than 5% of all cases – the skies will be reopened. The low number is an indicator that the Omicron has already spread throughout Israel, eliminating the justification for closing the skies, which was considered a temporary measure to prevent the entry of the Omicron into Israel from abroad.

Razvozov also demanded that the requirement for vaccinated Israelis returning from abroad to quarantine also end this week, saying “it no longer has any medical value.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. PaltielHaLeivi5736 December 31, 2021 3:10 pm at 3:10 pm
    The Chazon Ish Paskened 100 years ago, that non frum people have the status of tinok sh’nishbah.

    he took off his glasses and refused to look at Ben Gurion because of אסור להסתכל בפני רשע
    he also stated at the inauguration of the State that: they are the same dangerous secularist
    as beforehand
    before they were with the pen and now they’re more formal with guns is the only significant difference

    those who have been indoctrinated, naive, and/or have an agenda cherry-pick don’t we ?

  2. Israel has become the joke of the nations, they have one of the highest rate of “vaccination” yet they still have soaring COVID infections.

    What a JOKE!!!

    Instead of focusing on cheap medications that actually work, they continue with their fallacy of adding boosters every few month.

    Why not focus on monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, vitamin C infusion, vitamin D????

    Power corrupts

  3. y2r and others, could you put aside sniping and simply focus on staying safe yourself/keeping your family safe/ and taking precautions not to make others sick? That is the ikar, analyzing public policies is tofel.

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