WATCH: “Giyur Express:” The Ramifications Of Yamina’s Giyur Reform

Kobi Bornshtein Twitter

The Chotam organization, which works toward promoting Jewish values in the Jewish state, published a video educating the public about the ramifications of the giyur reform being advanced by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government.

The video opens by describing the years during which “the Jewish people returns to its land after thousands of years of galus.”

“But in recent years, many people have made aliyah through the Law of Return,” the narrator continued, describing how the law turned into an easy way for those desiring a “blue identity card” to gain Israeli citizenship – “oligarchs, those seeking free medical care or a generous absorption package and/or housing. And of course, it was an excellent way to garner political power for ‘certain parties.'”

“And what does the government want to do now that the gates of Israel have been breached? It opens ‘giyur stands’ instead of a state giyur system – a gate of entry into the Jewish world. These reforms will lead to the massive entry of millions of ‘housing seekers’ throughout the world, who now have a rapid path to citizenship.”

The video ends by stating: “Reform for Judaism? Not by us. Don’t forfeit the gates of entry to the Jewish nation.”

Chotem also set up a “giyur stand” called “Giyur Express” in south Tel Aviv last week. The “dayanim” at the stand, Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana (Yamina), Reform MK Gilad Kariv (Labor), and Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beiteinu), converted African infiltrators (many of whom live in south Tel Aviv). Photos show African infiltrators in front of the stand holding certificates stamped with “Jew” in large letters.

Below is another Chotam ad, showing how Kahana and Kariv are advancing giyur reform despite the opposition of Rabbanim across the spectrum.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I really don’t understand the problem.
    The state of Israel, never was Jewish and never will be.

    Only those jews who converted to zionism and worshipped the zionist gods, are now being slapped in the face and getting all worried about the future of Judaism etc…..

    The real jews who never converted, would never consider an Israeli Jewish unless otherwise known to be jew, just like in America, just because someone is Cristian doesn’t mean he is also a jew unless otherwise proven.

    Zionism is a separate religion like Christianity, and only now are the zionist jews stating to wake up and realize their mistake. Now they will have to choose which religion they accept.

  2. If Israel would only stop lying to the world, pretending to be Jewish, we wouldn’t have this problem.

    Ppl could becone citizens even if they are not part of a particular religion, just like in America.


  3. Frum Jews will not recognize any convert, or possible descendant of a convert, who isn’t clearly Shomer Mitsvos. But that has always been the case. Sooner rather than later, we will have to assume that anyone who claims Jewish ancestry, but isn’t frum is a safek goy, safek mamzer (we can’t discuss the “mamzer” part on YWN, wink!). Arguably that is already the case. On the bright side, it resolves the many good reasons to suspect that non-frum Jews are increasingly likely to be mamzerim.

  4. @ ujm,
    I just read that Rav Druckman met with the Chief Rabbis and the Rabbinical Council and gave his approval to their statement that the proposed conversion plan will cause a rift in the Jewish people and that only a plan which meets with the approval of Chief Rabbical Council, Chief Rabbis, and the majority of rabbis from Chutz L’Aretz can be approved.
    We must listen to their advice and also avoid statements that promote furthering the rift in the Jewish People, Chas v’sholem, and to not jump to conclusions before we know the facts.

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