RADICALS: Chareidi Zealots Break Into, Damage Geula Neighborhood Cellphone Store [VIDEOS]

Chareidi radicals smashed the front door of a cellphone store in the Geula neighborhood of Yerushalayim, stole the owner’s cellphone and destroyed it – one of many recent attacks on cellphone stores and their owners in recent months.

The incident occurred during a protest against the store involving approximately 25 chareidim, during which police were forced to intervene to keep the situation from spiraling completely out of control.

During a similar violent demonstration that took place less than two weeks ago, police detectives – some of whom had dressed up as chareidim themselves – arrested a number of suspects, including some who were suspected of spraying spoiled fish juice at cellphone shops and damaging their property.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. Ganavim. Mazikim. Evil wicked people. Is this what Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach would of done? Is this what Rav Eliyashuv would of done?

  2. Sounds muttar. 🙄
    And al pi derech hatoirah
    And a huge kiddush Hashem .
    Keep up the good work guys you’re making the world a MUCH better face.
    Ashreinu ma tov chelkainu, Mi Kiamcha Yisroel

  3. I stand with the protestors even though I own a (highly filtered, no browser) smartphone. People need to respect the neighborhood they open stores in. There’s a big sign on top of the store with a website address, it is totally repulsive that such a sign was hung up in Geulah. Such chutzpah! These smartphone store owners should go to neighborhoods where there is no resistance to such businesses. It is absolutely repulsive anyone when individuals try to change the character of existing neighborhoods, whether you are a contractor building multifamily housing units in a one-family residential area, bringing immense traffic, dirt and noise to formerly beautiful streets, to bringing spiritual schmutz to a neighborhood where they prefer spiritual purity, it is disgusting when people disrespect the character of neighborhoods and their residents for their personal gain.

    The protestors are not looters, they don’t want the merchandise in the store. They just don’t want in their neighborhoods the spiritual filth that comes along with the sale smartphones.

  4. So if you dont like your neighbor, you destroy a persons business and property .. @philosopher, using your logic, hope your neighbors like you

  5. i am not surprised by those amei ha-aretz, completely unaware of the halakhot governing kannoim, who defend such behavior.

    hopefully, they are arrested and given appropriate sentences, and made to repay the damage they caused. for the hillul Ha-Shem there is kapparah perhaps after a visit to Gehinnom.

  6. Philosopher, instead of reading philosophy, read a Shulchan Aruch or learn Bava Kama. In Judaism, there is a concept of batei dinim. One cannot take the law into ones own hand no matter the circumstance.

  7. How embarrassing to see people defending destroying someone’s livelihood, I want to think we’re better than this. These people are a black mark on our national character and I want to see them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  8. MDS613: When these animals (they are not chareidim in any form) come after you for engaging in posts on social media which means you are using the filthy internet, we will all be LOL.. Maybe they will also smash the windshield of your car since in theory, it COULD be use to be mechalel shabbos.
    They are entitled to not use smartphones. They are NOT entitled to dictate to others how to live their lives or what business they can engage in.

  9. They are a very busy store with customers from the neighborhood, so obviously there is a demand for it in Gula, by all the Arab fakers.

  10. SHAME on YWN! for Labeling these Fellow Jews “RADICALS”. Although there actions are questionable according to some readers, however there motive is definitely not Radical more L’shem Kedushas Hamchne….

  11. Philosopher, there is no such thing as a “right” to keep a neighborhood from changing. It is the nature of neighborhoods that they do change, and that is good and dynamic; those who don’t like change are fossils and should be ignored, because they have no right to what they want. If they use violence they should be crushed without mercy.

    Anyone has the right to operate any lawful business anywhere in the country; if it’s not popular it won’t make money and will soon close, but if it makes money that proves there’s a demand for it.

  12. For those who want to claim that our leaders operated differently
    that may well be that the
    issue of tactics
    in the overall picture though they were all on one side
    all the more so a neighbourhood which was founded and defended generation upon generation as a paragon

    And too many of the commenters are proving too many of them are saturated with Western libertarianism And subscribe as if it’s catechism. Absolutely according to our faith & Beyond one has more than the obligation to preserve the value system of the subtle influences that affect their communities.

    someone drilling a hole in their own cabin will sink the whole ship and everyone included
    that applies all the more so the subtle influences that are less obvious..
    the worst treason is often committed and governments wish to meet out the worst punishments for activities which are non indictable

  13. Judaism is primarily about the collective especially in the land of Israel.

    If someone limits their concern with their own level of יהדות but is unconcerned with the level of יהדות of others
    שלי שלי ושלך שלך זו מדת סדום

    Whatever might be the best modus operandi in this specific scenario
    Judaism assuredly disdains the attitudes : 1 cannot dictate to someone someone else’s life

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