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Arab MKs to Appeal Enemy State Law to the Supreme Court

Arab lawmakers plan to continue ‘business as usual’ after the Enemy State bill was voted into law in Knesset on Monday.

The bill, introduced by MKs Zevulun Orlev (NRP) and Esterina Tratman (Yisrael Beitenu) prohibits travel to nations that do not maintain diplomatic relations with Israel without obtaining permission in advance. Arab MKs frequently visit such countries, including Lebanon and Syria. Violating the new law will ban one from Knesset for seven years.

Tratman explained that the passing of the law is a big step, adding “One who opts to ignore the laws of the country in essence chooses his own destiny,” pleased that “those who are disloyal to the state” are being restricted. 52 MKs voted in favor of the bill, including 8 cabinet ministers, with 24 opposing it.

Arab lawmaker Dr. Ahmed Tibi labeled the law “racist” and “illegal” and signaled he plans to appeal it to the Supreme Court. Tibi explained the law modifies the Basic Law and as such, requires a minimum vote of 61, a majority of the Knesset. He is confident the high court will overturn the law.

A number of Arab MKs explained they plan to continue visiting Arab countries as is their custom, challenging the validity of the law which prohibits one who violates it from running for Knesset for seven years.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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