WATCH: Israel English TV Segment On Anti-Vaxxer Threats To Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky

As YWN has been reporting, family members of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky have recently been subject to death threats, curses and insults from anti-vaxxers.

Anti-vaxxer women came to the kabalas kahal of Rav Chaim’s daughter, Rebbetzin Leah Koledetsky, and called her a “murderer” and other derogatory terms and said they won’t leave until the Rebbetzin convinces HaRav Chaim to issue an anti-vaccine statement.

The threats didn’t stop Rav Chaim from issuing dramatic instructions on Monday evening regarding COVID vaccinations for children.

Definitely order the vaccines to the Talmudei Torah and schools and [the children] should be vaccinated.’”

On Wednesday, Yanki Farber, a veteran reporter for Bechadrei Charedim spoke with Calev Ben-David on “The Rundown” on i24NEWS about the attacks on the Kanievsky family.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. They should just stop the show
    It looks bad for the rabbis family
    Everyone knows they’re running this program and the rabbi is just a pawn

  2. But when Reb chaim urged everyone to come out 17 years ago to protest the Jerusalem gay parade,very few listened. He sent messages to major Chassidic rabbis and they refused. If you think people will listen now,probably not.

  3. Aside from the purported efficacy and even presumed safety – medical procedures must have legal recourse put in place as available. If nobody can be held accountable for injuries or adverse effects, then this is an openly blatant abuse of human rights in any fair society of its citizens.

    As far as efficacy is concerned, not only have outbreaks among the ‘vaccinated’ shown this not to be the case, but even documentation by the pharmaceutical manufacturers and the FDA and CDC attest to very limited protection.

    As regarding safety, the data is being suppressed, manipulated and misreported. Seek out the truer story from the alternative media – throngs of people are resisting this ‘political vaccine’ all over the globe – many of these folks are credentialed and well-read.

    A rabbi may promised you a share with him in another world, but his calculations just might be based on false statistics and data nonetheless.

  4. At the time of Purim the people thought they were smarter than Mordechai Hatzaddik, they thought he was old fashioned, they thought he wasnt up to date with what was going on, and we all know what happened. These anti vaxxers dont realize that they are playing with fire, that not listening to the Gadol Hador, and even threatening the family, is so dangerous chas vashalom. Hashem should protect us all. Please everyone take a lesson from Purim and start listening to the Gedol Hador so that Hashem should protect us. If you have a Rabbi you listen to, okay, so follow his advice, but make sure its real, but respect and stop harassing an Adom Chashuv. הזהרו בגחלתן

  5. They are not anti-vaxxers. They are opposed to this untested, experimental chemical whose manufacturer is exempt from liability.

  6. One of the great things about the Rambam is that he is too old to be coerced into publicizing that it’s permitted to participate in the genetics experiments of non-Jews.

  7. With several articles on the topic, none of the protesters addressed the issue – what is their basis to contradict the psak? If they follow some other psak from their leader – please state so. If you generally not following rabbinical advice – please say so. If you do respect the Rav and you think he is making a mistake, you should immediately contact him with the information you have so that he can take it into account.

    If you are far away from Bnei Brak and for some reason not ready to travel for this mitzva, please post it here, and maybe local readers will deliver your information to the Rav, and then he can issue his updated decision. It is important both for you, so that you can listen to his updated psak, and also to all other yidden. Please deliver, or post, or do teshuva.

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