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Bennett’s Coalition Member Meets With Arab Sheikh Convicted For Incitement

Ra’am MK Mazen Ghnaim met on Monday with Shiekh Raed Salah, who was recently released from an Israeli prison after serving a sentence for incitement to terrorism and murder of Jews.

Salah is the head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement which was banned by the Israeli government in 2015 due to its close ties with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2019, Salah was convicted of inciting terrorism after making multiple statements supporting encouraging terrorism and murder.

Ghnaim, a member of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’ coalition, visited Salah at his home in honor of his release from prison last week, a move slammed by right-wing opposition members.

“MK Ghnaim’s smiling meeting with the inciting terrorist Raed Salah is a sign of shame to all who consider themselves Zionists in this government,” stated Shas MK Moshe Arbel. “Ayelet Shaked and Nir Orbach, continue to work for your terror partners from Ra’am and dance on the blood of terror victims’ families.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Who is racist Imam Raed Salah?


    Yonah Jeremy Bob, “Islamic Movement leader Salah convicted of racist incitement on appeal,” Jerusalem Post, November 10, 2014

    The prosecution said references Salah made to the medieval blood-libel provided the basis for a separate claim against him for racist incitement, apparently convincing the higher district court.

    In his speech, Salah said that he and other Muslims never made their Ramadan bread with the blood of children, adding, “Whoever wants a more comprehensive explanation, should ask what happened to some of the European children whose blood was mixed with flour for use in holy bread.”

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