Kahana: “Lag B’Omer At Meron Will Be ‘Entirely Different’ Than The Past

Meron (Israel Police)

Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, who was tasked with directing preparations for Lag B’Omer at Meron, said on Sunday that the next Lag B’Omer at the site in May will be “entirely different.”

Kahana is planning on exploring the possibility of dividing Lag B’Omer festivities over several days or holding the event at several focal points.

In another scenario being examined, foot traffic will be limited to a one-way path that will allow movement in only one direction. Those who leave the Rashbi compound will not be allowed to re-enter.

Another possibility is holding a raffle for up to 20,000 winners who will have the right to visit Meron on Lag B’Omer. The winners won’t be permitted to enter next year’s raffle.

“The coming Meron event will be completely different than the events that have taken place so far – the safety of those present will be above all this time,” Kahana wrote on Twitter.

As YWN reported last week, Kahana is planning on allowing only one main hadlaka on Lag B’Omer, in accordance with the recommendation of the State Commission of Inquiry. But contrary to the commission’s recommendation to allow the Boyaner Rebbe to lead the hadlaka, a 170-year-old tradition, Kahana plans to give the honor to a Dati Leumi Rav recognized by the State.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. And let’s not share with ANYONE
    Yeaaaa !

    I don’t speak for the Boyaner Rebbe rather the rabble that post their defiant drivel and anti Torah approach .
    I assume the Rebbe would have no problem sharing the koved or alternating years

  2. over several days Great idea, like פורים משולש or like trouncing יום-העצמאות around when too near שבת, and this would be very effective in minimizing חילול-שבת especially when ל”ג בעומר is Friday or Sunday

  3. I still think these types of events in EY are an accident waiting to happen. Anyone who has ever visited the site knows the limited accessibility and infrastructure that requires strict adherence to rules and directives from the security forces to assure safety. Sadly, that is simply not something that Israelis are really good at. Hopefully, there will be a cultural change after last year’s tragedy but I’m not holding my breadth.

  4. Clearly changes are needed. But to take away the Boyaner Rebbe’s right to light the primary (or only) fire would be an outright act of piracy, and I would hope that if he does that the Rebbe will file suit in beis din. against him and whichever person he gives it to.

  5. Many people here will yell and scream about this. After you’re done with that, please leave some reasonable suggestions about what you would do if you were in his shoes. Please don’t write, yes, I would leave everything the same so another 45 people can die another year.

  6. Everyone here is very smart.
    Just watch the security camera video when the rookie cops completely close and seal the exit on the bottom of the steps.
    Do you know why there is no scandal because it’s a comunist/state. The gov never does anything wrong.
    We who live in the usa need to realize the Israeli government does not allow freedom there is no constitution…
    It all depends how they woke up that morning and how bad the protests are.
    There will be blood over this change in the name of the 45 kedoshim.

  7. Milhouse: I don’t think the Rebbe could care less about “WHO” gets the kavod of the hadlakah as long as its done as part of a much smaller and controlled event. There could be several bonfires across a wider area or a series of hadlakahs over several days shared among rabbonim on a rotating basis. The exclusive concern of ALL the rabbonim and government bureaucrats involved should public safety, NOT egos, kavodim and who gets the hadlakah. This is not some trivial debate about who gets aliyahs on Simchas Torah.

  8. Does anyone think that Bennett and co will actually still be in power by the time Lag BOmer comes around?! I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long!

  9. I understand that he wants less ppl, but why change the person doing the hadlaka?? This is centuries old!!
    Whats the svara?? is it gonna be safer with a Zionist priest instead of a Jewish Rabbi??

    am i missing something????

    Matan Kahana was a priest of Ba’al, and I’m sure you remember what happened to him by Yehu king of Israel

  10. It is very questionable whether the old chazka of the Boyaner Rebbe applies. Today due to safety considerations and because Chamira Sakanta Meisurah they must limit the size of the crowd and must limit it to only ONE hadlakah. In the past while the Boyaner Rebbe had the chazaka on the main hadlakah there were also other hadlakahs. But if there is only going to be one hadlakah who says that the Boyaner Rebbe should be the one to get that one and only hadlakah? His chazakah is for the main hadlaka not for the only hadlakah. It’s a new situation and the fairest way would be to make some sort of rotation.

  11. There could be other new “kavods” created under the new security arrangements. Perhaps the most chashuvah rabbonim and askanim can serve as “traffic cops” with big ribbons across their chests (like we used to have as school crossing guards) and direct those arriving to the appropriate hadlakah for their chassidus.
    As you can surmise, I think this childish broigas over who gets the kavod and who has chazakah is mamash crazy when 110% of the focus should be on safety.

  12. @Chaylev Halyah “Whats the svara?? is it gonna be safer with a Zionist priest instead of a Jewish Rabbi??”

    So a dauti leumi Rav is now a “Zionist priest”. Wow.

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