Trump: “I Told Jared It Will Be Easier With Gantz, Netanyahu Doesn’t Want Peace”

In this Sept. 8, 2019, file photo, a worker hangs an election campaign billboard of the Likud party showing U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty, File)

Former president Donald Trump accused former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu of not really wanting to make peace with the Palestinians, as revealed in new excerpts from Axios journalist Barak Ravid’s interviews with Trump, published by Channel 12 News on Motzei Shabbos.

“Bibi did not want to make a deal,” Trump said. “Even most recently, when we came up with the maps, Netanyahu said, ‘this is good, good,’ everything was always great, but he did not want to make a deal.”

“I wish he would have said he didn’t want to make a deal because a lot of people devoted a lot of work. But I don’t think Bibi would’ve ever made a deal. I don’t know if he didn’t want to make it for political reasons, or for other reasons…. . But I don’t think Bibi would have ever made a deal. That’s my opinion. I think the general [Gantz] wanted to make a deal.”

“Benny Gantz. I really like him a lot. I thought he was great. He came to the White House. He was somebody that, in my opinion, it would have been much easier to make a deal with the Palestinians than with Netanyahu. The Palestinians hate Netanyahu. They hate him with a passion. They didn’t hate Gantz.”

“I liked [Gantz]. I thought he was a really impressive guy. He loves Israel…I liked the general a lot. In fact, I said to Jared [Kushner] and David [Friedman], that if he won, I think it would be a lot easier.”

Surprisingly, Trump had high words of praise for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, saying that he “wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu. And I will be honest, I had a great meeting with him, Abbas, right. I had a great meeting with him. And we spent a lot of time together, talking about many things. And it was almost like a father. I mean, he was so nice, couldn’t have been nicer.”

“I [had] thought the Palestinians were impossible, and the Israelis would do anything to make peace and a deal. I found that not to be true,” Trump asserted.

Ravid interviewed Trump in April and July for his new (Hebrew-language) book about the Abraham Accords: Trump’s Peace.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. man what the heck happened to him? bibi musta said somethin he didnt like allathasudden hes calling abbas a nice peace-seeker and throwin bibi under the bus. he actually endorsed netanyahu against…. gantz this guys all over the place. dunno whats up w the donald

  2. Abbas had many opportunities to make a deal and he backed out. I doubt anyone considered him to be grandfatherly before. Trump is angry with Netanyahu and is laying out. Typical Trump.

  3. No surprise from an egomaniac backstabber. His time has come & gone, time to move on. We need normal people running this country. If the Republican party can’t field a stable individual to lead then we will suffer with the Democrats forever.

  4. Leave Trump alone already. I think between Biden and Trump most people would take a senile president then a deranged president. Trump keeps up this narrative of stolen election ad nauseam. He will single handily give Stacy Abrams the governorship in Georgia because he’s angry at Gov Kemp for not finding the missing votes. He’s attacking Netanyahu for congratulating Biden. The records show that Netanyahu was from the last of world leaders to congratulate Biden. I supported Trump. I too suspect hanky panky, but nothing Trump says or does now will change anything. Trump is only helping the democrats and progressives with his immaturity.

  5. Clear Cop – Donald is very consistent. He has always been. He has only one policy. His ego. Nothing else matters. If Bibi wounds his ego then Abbas is his friend. Very simple. It helps explain most of his policy positions. The red-hatted minions just follow and bob along.

  6. I’m not surprised that he feels that way about Abbas. I heard from people who met Abbas that the latter comes across as benevolent, loving, funny, nice and sweet. Arabs are known for their hospitality and it’s also known that it’s a mitzvah for them to lie to the infidels (which takes away all guilt that most everyone has when being dishonest). Add those two traits together and you have a perfect recipe for a charming con-artist on the world stage.

  7. Me :
    “ I told all you Kool-Aid chugging Naive fools that for self-interest ONLY this guy supported Israel “
    That should be the headline.
    There are many in our community who enjoy idolizing a bit too much -I think we can all agree.

    All of a sudden Abbas is unbelievable
    Gantz is such a great dude
    Does anyone here believe a single word and follow this baloney still ?

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