SHOCKING: Man Steals Hundreds of Thousands From Chasidish Store, Is Released by Israeli Police

A prominent chasidus in Yerushalayim is in shock after a member of its community was caught stealing hundreds of thousands of shekalim from the store in which he worked.

The thief, who portrayed himself as a baal teshuva but actually grew up in a frum home, was taken under the wing of community members, who helped him get a job in a Yerushalayim store – Shehechiyanu Colors on Rechov Yirmiyahu.

But, to the great shock and disgust of the community, the individual was caught after stealing at least 10,000 shekel and additional hundreds of thousands in shekalim in checks.

Immediately upon learning of the theft, the store owner contacted the police, who arrested the suspect for quetioning. However, to the storeowner’s surprise, the police released him without asking the court to extend his detention.

“I begged the police not to release him before he said where the checks are,” the storeowner said. “Even if the cash is gone, at least the checks can be saved.”

“I expect the police to arrest him once again in order to understand where he keeps the money. I brought all the evidence to the police, so there is no reason why he should not be prosecuted.”

Israel Police said in a statement that they are continuing the investigation “professionally and thoroughly.”

Community leaders say they don’t believe this was the first time the suspect stole, as numerous valuables have gone missing in recent weeks across the community.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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