Israeli Father Begs Am Yisrael For Tefillos After Toddler Chokes On Drawstring

Near the scene of the incident. (United Hazalah)

HaRav Shimon Assulin, a posek who lives in Kiryat Gat, is begging Am Yisrael for tefillos for his two-year-old who choked on a drawstring during gan and is now in critical condition.

“To all my friends and Am Yisrael, I ask that you stop everything in order to daven for my daughter,” he said tearfully. “Her situation now isn’t so good. There’s koach in tefillos, it’s possible to change the situation. If Leah (Imeinu) managed to change the order of Bereishis (when she married Yaakov) with the koach of tefillah, we also can. I beg you. Daven for my little daughter.”

Two-year-old Adel was playing outside her gan and choked on a drawstring on her sweatshirt jacket and stopped breathing. Paramedics who were called to the scene and found her without a pulse carried out resuscitation techniques and managed to restore her pulse and evacuated her to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon in an intensive care unit.

The public is asked to daven for Adel bas Adi l’refuah sheleimah b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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