At The Cemetery: Police Bring Berland To Meet Murder Victim’s Family

Illustrative. Police investigators were spotted at various sites in and near Jerusalem gathering evidence for the Shuvu Banim murder cases.

The disgraced leader of Shuvu Banim, Eliezer Berland, was taken by police investigators to Har Hamenuchos in Jerusalem on Monday to meet with the family members of Avi Edri, z’l, who was allegedly murdered on the order of Berland by members of the Mishmeret HaTzniut of Shuvu Banim in 1990.

The information about the meeting was revealed in the course of a hearing at the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, during which the police requested an extension of Berland’s arrest for his alleged involvement in the murders of Edri, z’l, and Nissim Shitrit, z’l.

Berland’s lawyers revealed the information about the meeting during the hearing, asking the police representative: “You went to Har HaMenuchos and arranged a confrontation between Berland and the Edri family?” one of the lawyers asked. “And you told him to recite the Tikun HaKlali?”

The police representative refused to answer, responding: “We won’t speak about investigative activities.”

Berland spoke at the end of the hearing and denied that he ever gave anyone orders to carry out crimes, calling it a “blood libel.”

“I’m waiting for 30 days already for them to bring me Mishmeret HaTzniut members who say that I sent them,” Berland said. “I’m ready now, it’s not too late yet. I don’t know any of them. No Mishmeret HaTzniut member heard a word from me. It’s a blood libel.”

According to a Walla report, the investigators then played a recording of Berland’s son-in-law Tzvika Zucker, whose name was revealed as a suspect in the cases on Monday, implicating his father-in-law in the murders, but Berland claimed that he didn’t recognize the voice of the speaker.

At the end of the hearing, the judge extended Berland’s detainment for three days, until Thursday.

Berland also met with his follower Baruch Sharvit on Monday, whose name was also revealed as a suspect in the case. “They had me meet Sharvit yesterday for 60 seconds,” Berland said during the hearing. “I told him: ‘Say the whole truth.'”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. As horrible as this story is, what has happened to us as Yidden that the only comments on this story are wishing death on another yid? Let HKBH deal with those that need to be dealt with, and let us not be moser din laShomayim.

  2. Absolutely disgusting, all these lies. I’ts all loshon hora and everyone seems to add in some more details every time they talk about HaRav Elizer Berland Shlita. Hes’s a massive Talmud Chochom (the Steipler’s chavrusa) who has learnt more Torah than any of you shakranim will ever learn in your lives. Instead of bumming around on YWN, maybe work on yourself before accusing Talmidei Chochomim of things which you know no information about.

  3. Folks please learn Sefer Chofetz Chaim I personally don’t know anyone this news is talking about, but the Chofetz Chaim has clear guidelines when one can speak about another person.

    It is very clear that there isn’t any clear proof that Rabbi Berland had any say in the killing. His Son in law who supposedly was involved would not be Kosher eidus, nor would an Eid Echod be kosher. So even if someone said he was involved it would have pass the standard of eidus by Bais Din…

    We also know there is a thing called
    אין שליח לדבר עבירה

    The people who did it will be punished by Hashem. The question is what should a Bais Din do. Through them into Jail?

    If they have left there all gangster way of life 30 years ago, and have been playing by the rules.. would the Bais Din of old lock them up?

    If they were still gangsters then obviously they must be locked up in a cage, they are no different than dangerous animals. But if not, I don’t see how we punish them… is locking them up a punishment for MURDER?

    Hashem will take care of them. Rotzchim have no place in our society. But what is the Torah Hashkofa in such a situation that’s not so clear to me.

    Regardless, hilchos loshon horah has to be kept!

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