Israel Okays Hizbullah Deal

Twenty-two cabinet ministers decided to support the Regev-Goldwasser prisoner release deal earlier Sunday clearing the way for German mediators to pass the document over to Hizbullah for approval.

Miki Leibowitz, an activist working with an NGO to obtain the release of IDF captives stated the past days was a classic example of how public opinion can impact a major government decision, with us getting a first-hand example of the impact the lobbying efforts of family members of the soldiers had on cabinet ministers.

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter read a letter to ministers at the request of Smadar Aran, whose family was murdered by Samir Kuntar, calling upon the ministers to arrive at their decision without taking her pain into consideration, explaining Kuntar is not her “private prisoner”.

Minister of Housing & Construction (Kadima) Ze’ev Boim, Justice Minister Daniel Friedman and Finance Minister (Kadima) Roni Bar-On did not support the deal.

Mossad Director Meir Dagan and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin addressed the ministers, warning such a deal may encourage terrorists to kidnap additional soldiers, calling upon them to reject the deal.

Since the May 1985 Jabriel prisoner release for example, some retroactively view the deal as an error since it is now known that the backbone of leadership for the First Intifada came from the 1,150 terrorists released in that deal.

Minister of Immigrant Absorption (Kadima) Yaakov Edri agreed to speak to the press as he left the Prime Minister’s Office.

The minister explained that when he arrived, he planned to oppose the vote but after hearing IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, explaining to ministers that commanders of the captive soldiers called to support the deal, I changed and decided to raise my hand in favor of the deal. He added that the ministers also discussed the possibility that this deal would further complicate efforts to obtain the release of Gilad Shalit. The government will also continue efforts concerning Ron Arad.

Hizbullah shortly following the announcement of the government decision began airing responses, permitting the terror organization’s leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah another opportunity to flex his growing political muscle, claiming another victory against Israel.

Shas leader Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai stated the decision was a most difficult one but he is confident they did the correct thing. When asked if he is not fearful that the decision will complicate efforts towards the release of Gilad Shalit, he stated IDF Chief of Staff Ashkenazi does not agree, explaining even among the experts, there are differences of opinion.

Yishai added too much is discussed in the media, as is the case now, and also regarding Shalit, suggesting details of the proposal and ongoing efforts to release captives not be discussed in detail by the media.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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