Ex-Mossad Chief Warns Against Iranian Threat

In an interview with the British Sunday Telegraph, former Mossad director Shabtai Shavit warns if Israel does not act to halt ongoing Iranian efforts in the coming year, Jerusalem faces the possibility of being targeted with an Iranian nuclear bomb.

Shavit told the Telegraph that if sanctions are not working, Israel must attack or face the significant threat in the future. He also warned that he believes if democratic presidential hopeful Barak Obama becomes America’s next president, it will lower the chances of the White House ordering such an attack. Republican candidate John McCain on the other hand would order an attack, Shavit believes.

Shavit stated however that if left with no alternative, Israel will have to go it alone since the threat is mounting and time if rapidly running out and Jerusalem is obligated to protect its citizens and our national interests.

Shavit served as the intelligence agency’s director from 1989-1996.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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