Condition Of Toddler Flown From Cyprus To Israel Improves

Dr. Eitan Neeman, who flew to Cyprus and brought back the ill toddler to Israel, speaks to the press. (Soroka Hospital/Screenshot)

The condition of the two-year-old who was flown to Israel after she contracted a virulent bacterium in a Chabad gan in Cyprus has improved.

“She came to us from Cyprus and had a quiet night,” said Dr. Moshe Ashkenazi, Deputy Director of Safra Children’s Hospital at Sheba, on Wednesday. “Her condition has improved, so much so that we’re considering transferring her to a regular pediatric ward.”

Dr. Eitan Neeman, a senior pediatric intensive care doctor at Soroka Hospital who flew to Cyprus on Monday, said that unlike what they originally thought, the bacterium that struck the gan was not meningococcus, which causes meningitis.

“We were informed by the  hospital in Cyprus that it was streptococcus from group A, a bacterium that some of us carry and usually causes mild throat infections but in some cases, it can cause systemic failure and very rapid collapse like we saw with the toddler who sadly passed away.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. BH she’s doing better but what on earth is a virulent bacterium???? Bacteria are not viruses and viruses are not bacteria. Two completely different micro-organisms.

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