CHASDEI HASHEM: Survivor of Deadly Yerushalayim Terror Attack Returns to the Kosel to Thank Hashem [VIDEO]

Rabbi Zev Katzenelbogen, who was moderately injured after being shot by a Palestinian terrorist firing a machine gun at innocent people in Yerushalayim’s Old City on Sunday, returned to the Kosel today to thank Hashem for sparing his life.

“What I went through this week… is a tremendous neis,” Rabbi Katzenelbogen says in a video taken at the Kosel.

He explained that he had gone to daven at the Kosel on Sunday morning, and was returning – while still wearing his tefillin – when the terrorist opened fire at him, striking his tefillin shel yad and exiting through his arm.

He went on to say that while we are sometimes faced with painful challenges, we cannot forget that Hashem loving embrace of us is always there, both in joyous times and in moments of pain.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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