IDF Chief Rabbi Ronsky: The Soldiers are Not Alive

eldad regev.jpgIDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Avichai Ronsky has decided based on photo evidence and intelligence reports that followed the July 12, across-the-border attack in which soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were taken captive that the two soldiers are no longer alive. He is however delaying his official announcement.

It appears that while Rav Ronsky is convinced the two are dead, he is not making a formal declaration until following the Sunday cabinet decision, not wishing to influence cabinet ministers. Some officials close to the rav add that he may not announce his decision until after the agreement with Hizbullah has actually been signed.

Rabbi Ronsky has met with IDF investigators, medical experts and traumatologists, intelligence experts and has read and reviewed the pertinent intelligence and other reports.

Evidence based on laboratory reenactments, review of the attack scene, ballistic data and scientific research indicate that soldier number one was hit directly in the chest with an RPG rocket. The condition of his flack jacket [which was recovered from the scene] and the armored vehicle indicate he sustained major multi-system trauma, injuries that most likely resulted in death a short time following the attack.  Such injuries demand immediate surgical intervention by trauma specialists and lacking such treatment, the chance of survival was estimated to be zero. Investigators also determined that the terrorists were not at the scene long enough to stabilize the soldiers.

Regarding soldier number 2, his blood was found on a door, other areas of the vehicle, and splattered outside on the scene, with evidence showing he was hit by a rapid-firing weapon that resulted in blood splatter in the area where he was standing. The quantity of blood pooled outside the vehicle showed where the soldier fell and confirms he too sustained massive life-threatening injuries. It was determined that he was hit with the RPG fire and the bullets, in the upper portion of his body, and it is likely that he did not survive the initial assault, especially if the gunfire struck him in the chest.

Unlike soldier number one, trauma experts were unable to confirm that he did not survive, but did state the chances of survival based on the evidence are close to zero.

Rav Ronsky also used intelligence information, which immediately following the attack indicated the soldiers were taken to a Hizbullah medical facility in Baalbek. A Sayeret Matkal commando mission to that facility however did not result in uncovering facts to back up the intelligence report.

Yediot Achronot reports the rav also received a “highly classified intelligence report” which weighed heavily in his decision.

The rav reportedly told associates that based on all the data, one may determine soldier one was killed and that said, together with the chain of events, one may also make the same determination regarding the second soldier.

It is noteworthy to point out that Rabbi Ronsky’s decision is not based on new facts, but the information was only given to him last week. Apparently he is angered over the fact that he was not presented withal the facts in the case until last week, leaving the families in limbo for close to two years.

According to this report, there is a contradiction between Rav Ronsky’s opinion and that of Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, who has instructed Shas ministers to vote in favor of the prisoner exchange deal.

Rav Ovadia is quoted as saying that since the information available does not permit to rule conclusively that Ehud Goldwasser is dead, his wife Karnit is an aguna and as such, the cabinet ministers are compelled to support the prisoner deal to release her from her current status.

It is also important to note that Rav Ovadia may not be privileged to the same information presented to Rav Ronsky and therefore, he may not have been able to draw the same conclusions as the IDF chief rabbi.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Since she is an agunah, everything must be done to establish the soldiers status conclusively, not based on a assumption based upon the ”physical evidence.” Otherwise she is still stuck as an agunah.

    Rav Ovadia’s position is well founded (not that he needs a haskama.)

  2. I do not see why the exchange has to be with live people. If the soldiers are dead anyway let them give the wanted terrorists back the same way?

  3. it prety scary to rule someone dead the whole story is nebach on the whole family klal yiroel should see no more of this

  4. I don’t understand Rav Yosef’s support of the exchange deal if the soldiers are alive.

    The gemara clearly states that captives should not be redeemed for more than their value so as not to encourage the kidnappers to continue to do the same types of things. Time and time again these exchanges have led to more Jewish blood being spilled and to more and more kidnappings.

    Rav Yosef’s opinion may not have been correctly stated. However, the way it is stated here, I don’t understand how it fits with the halacha at all.

  5. tzoorba – Please reference which Gemora you are referring to. I don’t recall ever coming across such Gemorah.

    Thank You

  6. Pidyon Shvuyim (which applies to living captives) is all encompassing and traditionally Yidden would go to all extents and costs to redeem a Jew, regardless how excessive. Such is the explicit halacha regarding Pidyun Shvuyim.

    Once when Rabbeinu Gershom (I believe it was), was held captive, he told the community not to redeem him due to the exobriant sum demanded. But that was the exception and was only done because Rabbeinu Gershom himself so insisted regarding his own captivity.

  7. I believe it was the Maharam meRotenburg, and I also think that there is a Gemora in Kidushin which spks about not paying too much for releasing captives so as not to encourage further kidnapping.

    However in this case the enemy will always try to kidnap Yidden even if they get NOTHING in return as it boosts their strength with the population and their own morale. It is Chasdei HaShem that so few have been kidnapped. May all captive Yidden be released bechol mokoim shehem.

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