Agudath Israel Statement On Terror Murder Of Eliyahu Kay And Injury To Four Others

Agudath Israel is heartbroken at the news of a terror attack in the heart of Jerusalem, indeed, the heart of the Jewish nation, just minutes away from the Kosel Plaza. The attacker murdered Eliyahu Dovid Kay, and wounded four other civilians.

It is hardly surprising, but nevertheless worth noting, that the terrorist attacker was a senior Hamas leader, according to reports on a Hamas-owned television channel, and that Hamas is celebrating this vicious outrage.

The entire Jewish people suffers when one of our brothers or sisters is attacked and here, too, we suffer along with the victims and their families, to whom we offer our condolences and pray for G-d׳s comfort. May Hashem avenge the blood of Eliyahu Kay, and may He grant the other victims a speedy recovery.

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