Cabinet May Not Vote on Hizbullah Deal on Sunday

nasrallah111.gifAccording to sources in the Prime Minister’s Office, it is indeed possible that the cabinet on Sunday will discuss the Hizbullah prisoner release deal but the actual vote may be pushed off. This despite promises made by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to family members of Ehud Goldwasser that the vote would take place on Sunday.

While the statement indicates an awareness that a decision must be made, it now appears that a number of the ministers will request additional time to make a final determination.

Some ministers may also be waiting for IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronsky to issue his ruling, if they soldiers are being declared dead or assumed alive – a move that may impact the decision-making process. It also remains a mystery at this time how the prime minister plans to vote.

One of the signs that a vote may not occur is the advanced schedule of the meeting given to ministers, stating there will be a “discussion” on the matter, and it does not say there will be a “vote”.

Some of the ministers, who were interviewed by the daily Haaretz on Thursday, report that they were somewhat surprised by the wording of the agenda, explaining they view this as Olmert seeking to leave himself an escape route – a way out of making a decision.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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