The Lashon Hara Story In Israel That Went Viral

An astounding incident happened recently in Israel to a principal of a Talmud Torah and the story was publicized by his friend HaRav Menachem Weiss, and it quickly went viral, Hidabroot reported.

The principal, his wife, and his family are known to be extremely careful about Shemiras HaLashon and are constantly reviewing the halachos.

Recently, the wife was in a situation where it was incredibly difficult for her to refrain from speaking lashon hara but thanks to the family’s constant review of the halachos, she withstood the nisayon and remained silent.

A half-hour later she went into her kitchen and was horrified to find her two-year-old holding a sharp knife between his teeth. After freezing for a second, she spoke softly to him and managed to distract him enough to carefully extricate the knife from his mouth.

After she calmed down, she couldn’t help but draw the connection between her decision to keep her mouth closed and her rescue of her son’s mouth from serious injury moments later.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. As Chazal could have said: Shmiras Haloshon tatzil mi’mov’ess. Isn’t that the possuk – mi ha’ish ha’chofetz chaim…ne’tzor leshoncha me’ra? So what’s the childish here, that the possuk is true? YWN might next print story of giving tzedakah, and the business succeeded exceptionally!

  2. Connections between observance of Halacha and fortunate incidents in life are the result of dumb luck. It is unwise to jump to any other conclusions. Hashem rewards us in the next world, not this one.

  3. @HUju
    You reffer to “schar mitzva b’hey alma lekka”
    But your understanding of it is very poor. As a starting point, there is no such thing as “luck”.

  4. It says explicitly in Tehillim: Mi Haish hachafetz chayim… Ntzor lishoncha maira…So you see that keeping from loshom hara guards us and keeps us alive.

  5. Huju, no such thing as luck. Every lottery win is orchestrated by Hashem. Believing otherwise is denying Hashgacha Pratis. And there is nothing wrong with taking chizuk from this story. There is a lot of precedent to that in the seforim.

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