Bennett Against Chareidim: “They’re Using The Kosel As A Political Tool”

PM Bennett and Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana at the Kosel.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett claimed on Friday that the Kosel is being used as a well-financed political campaign intended to topple the government, without any connection to religious conviction.

His comments come as the government begins advancing the Kosel Compromise plan and shortly after a confrontation between religious MKs and Reform MK Gilad Gariv at the Kosel was called off at the last minute.

“These days, the Kosel is being used for a planned political campaign, for which much money was raised, with the goal of dismantling the government,” Bennett wrote. “Maybe it will catch on but the damage will be tremendous. Even at times of stormy conflicts, we must maintain islands of kedusha, issues that shouldn’t be touched.”

“If there’s a problem, you solve it via dialogue,” Bennett continued. “You don’t decide to go on a full-force divisive campaign about the Kosel. Simply no.”

The Shas party responded to Bennett by stating: “Bennett wrote now about the Kosel: ‘We must maintain islands of kedusha, issues that shouldn’t be touched.’ We agree with him 100 percent. There are no problems with the Kosel and no ‘dialogue’ is needed. The Kosel is not the Carmel Market and it’s not open to negotiations. Bennett, try to live up to what you wrote. Don’t touch the Kosel HaKadosh. Don’t change anything. You’ll suddenly find out that there’s no planned campaign…and no fundraising.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This is a classic example of כל הפוסל במומו פוסל. One can only see in another his own deficiencies.
    The flip side is that one cannot see in another what one does not possess – whether good or bad. That’s why he cannot understand the concept of קנאת האמת, standing up for Hashem’s honor when it is trampled upon.
    Who knows? Maybe he really does understand it somewhere deep inside, but as a politician, his go-to tactic is to manipulate the truth for his own political gain – which is exactly what he is accusing the chareidim of doing.

  2. 100% correct: “the Kosel is being used as a well-financed political campaign (intended to topple the government), without any connection to religious conviction.” It’s the left and the reform, the ones sitting in the current government of shame and danger. Nothing to do with “topple the government…” maybe it did during the Netanyahu time but certainly not now.
    Naftali horosho, you are talking non-sense, trying to blame the chareidim for your shameful plans to destroy Judaism and lehavdil the state of Israel.

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