WATCH THIS: Knesset Tumult As “Badatz” Malinovsky Calls Chareidim “The Taliban”; Gafne Explodes “Anti-Semites!”

Knesset Channel

A heated conflict took place in the Knesset on Wednesday when Yisrael Beiteinu MK Yulia “Badatz” Malinovsky proposed a law proposing a steep fine of NIS 30,000 for people caught tearing down advertisements with pictures of women on them.

In the course of the proposal, Malinovsky said: “Apparently what interests you is to build a Taliban state here. The first thing they do is destroy and discriminate against women.”

UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, furious about yet another law from Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party against Chareidim, loudly protested against Malinovsky’s words from his seat and then spoke from the podium.

“She called us the Taliban and you didn’t even react,” Gafni said angrily. “A member of Knesset stands here and calls the Taliban and that’s fine.”

“There’s a party here that has only one goal, not to allow Chareidim to live here. Her boss makes laws against Chareidim, he doesn’t care about disposables but he makes a law against it to harm Chareidim. A law that Chareidi women can’t send their kids to daycare. All his laws are against the Chareidim – he has no other agenda, no agenda of right or left, only hatred of Chareidim. It’s an anti-Semitic party. We’re the Taliban! You’re the anti-Semites.”

“Why did Yulia bring this up? So they’ll talk against Chareidim. We don’t respect women? Women come to us all the time – ministers, Knesset members, public figures. We don’t respect women? We respect them more than our very selves – Chazal says. You’re anti-Semites!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Zionists are slipping up. They aren’t supposed to saw such things where the foreign media might be listening. The reason is that if Israel is seen by the world as persecuting Hareidim, much of Israel’s support abroad, which is based on support for a homeland for Jews who are practicing their religion, would vanish. Kicking out Jews for being too-Jewish while perfectly consistent with the internal zionist narrative (to be an Am Hofshi) is inconsistent with the zionist narrative produced for foreign consumption.

  2. Yes, Chymee! Aliya!!!
    The reason that the left is fighting so hard against us is because we have grown into a community that can no longer be ignored.
    I have been living in Ramat Bet Shemesh for over 20 years and I can tell you that I feel a million times safer here than in NY or London. Don’t be fooled by what is happening in the Knesset. We are not persecuted on the street.
    Each Chareidi family has an average of 8 kids. Chilonim – if they get married and decide to have children – maximum 2! Just do the maths and you will see why the chilonim are panicking.
    This is besides for the hundreds who leave the country each year when they finish the army – never to return.
    They can’t stop us because we are here because of Eretz Yisroel and not some defunct Zionism

  3. The Zionists are evil, of course, and every exchange like this just makes it more apparent how great a chilul Hashem is the Zionist regime and how absolutely cringe-worthy it is to see frum Jews in that building of the greatest tumah.

    However, to be fair, although Rabbi Gafni is right that this particular government has targeted the Chareidim, it does not seem that she called them the Taliban.

    She indicated that they want to establish a Taliban regime. In other words, the laws the Chareidim are proposing would be, in her view, Taliban laws. That is not the same as calling them the Taliban. In fact, if those laws were implemented, then it would be the Zionists who would be the Taliban, not the Chareidim in the opposition.

    That is also not the same as her calling them terrorists, which she did not do. But this is all silliness and politics.

  4. Reading these anti-Jewish/Zionist comments, I thought I was on Stormfront. Anyone who has been in Israel knows that there is no discrimination about frum Jews at all. The big stories are when the government calls out the community for weird or dangerous practices.
    You all know this. You know that calling Zionists “evil” will not make you any friends in the non-Jewish world or amongst our community. But you do it anyhow.

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