PA Cops Rescue American Tourist from Kalandia Lynch

It appears that the driver who mistakenly entered into Kalandia on Wednesday was not an Israeli, but an American tourist. The driver entered the area, which borders on the northern capital, near the Atarot industrial zone, and stopped at an intersection to get his bearings.

A number of locals approached the vehicle and when it was determined he was not an Arab, the attack began. His vehicle was bombarded with rocks. A number of policemen close by saw what was taking place and extricated the tourist.

The tourist explained that at one point, they tried to pull him out of the vehicle.

The PA police turned him over to Israeli authorities.

COMMENT: One might wish to question why when a person drives into a PA autonomous area he/she comes under attack. It makes a difficult case for advancing peace agreements.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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