Prime Minister Litzman – At Least not for the Time Being

The agreement signed on Wednesday between the Labor and Kadima parties resulted in the postponement of the Knesset dissolution vote, a reality that abruptly ended the plan which placed United Torah Judaism MK Yaakov Litzman in line to possibly become prime minister.

If the vote was taken as a no-confidence action, and a majority of MKs voted for it, then the government would have fallen. The opposition was then entitled to recommend a candidate for prime minister who enjoys enough support to form a coalition. They would then submit his name — in this case Rav Litzman, to President Shimon Peres, and he would be given the task to assemble a coalition.

Litzman, a chossid, enjoys widespread support in Knesset, accepted by many in the political left and right, Shomer Shabbos and secular alike.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. is this a sick joke or what?
    g-d forbid that a chareidi should become prime minister one day,that would be the end of israel as we know it ‘chas veshalom’
    if anyone would want to see a preview of what israel would look like under a chareidi government,
    i suggest you take a trip to teheran,kabul,or rhiyad saudi arabia


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