Meretz MK Mocks Mashgichei Kashrus On Loss Of Their Jobs

Meretz MK Yair Golan (Adina Wolman/Knesset spokesperson)

Meretz MK Yair Golan, who serves as the Deputy Minister of Economy, wrote an extremely condescending statement on Twitter on Tuesday, making light of the situation of thousands of mashgichim who are expected to lose their job due to the kashrus reforms.

“I heard that 4,000 Mashgichei Kashrus are worried about their parnassah,” Golan wrote. “I suggest that they retrain as safety inspectors at construction sites. It’s parnassah and saving lives. There’s no greater kiddush Hashem than that.”

Golan’s statement raised a furor of criticism, with hundreds slamming him for his statement, even those on the left.

“A thoroughly evil tweet,” one person responded. “A person with a pension [Golan is a retired IDF officer] and the salary of an MK mocks men with families who are worried about their parnassah. Shame on you.”

“And why don’t you do that?” another person responded. “It’s parnassah and not like what you’re doing now – living off the accounts of taxpayers like a parasite – and it’s also saving lives.”

“Mocking thousands of families who are losing their parnassah,” Likud MK Ofir Katz wrote. “The evil face of this government.”

“Thanks to his fat budgetary pension, [Golan] is blind to the plight of simple citizens and he dares to mock thousands of families who are about to lose their daily bread,” a spokesperson for the Forum for The Struggle Against Kashrus Reforms stated. “In a government in which a person who fights with mashgichei Kashrus and the Rabbanut can be the Religious Affairs Minister, a person who mocks dedicated workers can be the Deputy Economy Minister.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Once again: you get what you fought for.
    You wanted a Medinah.
    You got it.
    The utter foolishness of hoping and trying to
    mesh the Torah with an entity that was founded to undermine it.

  2. personally, anything less that 100 % kosher is evil, so think about that you fools___we only eat the top of the kashrut….we are limited to this and happy while you fools it and throat at each other while a war is out there, you all are fools, now bring back good kashrut, Rabanut, I won’t even touch, so there to you, the basic is as much goyish as all

  3. what a chilul hashem.This in a Jewish state. He takes the money from the gouverment and teling others what to do.This are the chilonim in Israel taking money from the state and telling others what they have to do.Typical Meretz.

  4. Actually, as the government undermines its own “Rabbanut hecksher”, the percentage of Jews (in Israel and golus) who reject “Rabbanut” kashrus will increase, creating an increased demand for products certified by independent, non-Rabbanut agencies (heretofore run largely hareidim, though this will change since the current coalition seems to be trying to tune the Religious Zionist into ). Thus those who lose civil service jobs as kashrus inspectors, will find an increased demand by non-state kashrus agencies.

    In effect, the current government is trying to kick the Religious Zionists out of the Zionist movement. The question is whether enough Shomer Shabbos Jews who have been supporting secular parties will, now that they have to choose, decide that being “Dati” is more important than being “Zionist”, and depending on what they decide, within a few years Eretz Yisrael could end up with a coalition of Hareidi and “Dati” parties becoming the largest bloc in the Kenesset.

  5. It is not about the Medinah. If it was just about the Medinah, it would have happened ages ago. It’s about the fact that Hashem has been sending us punishment after punishment for accepting corruption in the Torah world. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that the Rabbanut was corrupt. Is it any different than the rabbanic leaders of Lakewood telling you to vote for Murphy? Is it any different than Satmar Jews voting for Cumo? We’ve been getting a taste of our own medicine for several years now.

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