Merkaz HaRav Parents Pained at Government Inaction

IMG_178211.jpgParents of the eight students, victims of the Jerusalem Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva attack took part in a Knesset Interior Committee meeting. The bereaved parents expressed their sorrow, anger and disappointment over the painful reality that since the attack, which took place on March 6, 2008, the government has done nothing.

One parent, Sofia Lifshitz, the mother of Yochai HY”D, rhetorically asked why the government is paralyzed and unable to respond. Why nothing was done to destroy the Jerusalem home of the terrorist. Why the citizenship of the family is not revoked.

Orli Roth, the mother of Ro’i HY”D, expressed anger over the fact that the home of the terrorist is still standing. Mrs. Roth pointed out that there are no legal barriers preventing the demolition, adding there is a moral obligation to do so.

Mr. Dror Eldad, the father of Yonatan HY”D, explained “it is a matter of government policy. [Public Security] Minister Avi Dichter approves the move, realizing it is a deterrent, and the [Jerusalem] district police commander wanted to raze the home the very same night. The fact that nothing was done is a due to government policy”.

Eldar went on to explain that the family of the terrorists “may not benefit from worlds — terrorism and Israeli citizenship.” The terrorist’s father he went on to explain ran to seek legal advice, fearful the government would take action to cancel his business operating license for his shipping company.

MK (National Union) Uri Ariel initiated the discussion, backed by Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik, accusing the government of dragging its feet, adding the home of the terrorist has become a symbol for those wishing to identify with his murderous act.

The chairwoman of the session, MK Marina Solodkin in support of Ariel issued a statement calling on the prime minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to expedite the matter and take the action that should have been taken a long time ago.

In addition, Solodkin and Ariel are working to introduce legislation that would cancel the citizenship of the first-line family members of a terrorist, stating this would be a major deterrence. The lawmakers explain if terrorists are aware that their parent’s homes will be razed and they will lose their citizenship and rights, they would think twice before carrying out attacks.

Attorney Nitzan Darshan-Leitner, considered an expert in the field, issued a legal opinion that at present, there are absolutely no legal barriers to destroying the home of the terrorist.

MK (Labor) Ofir Pines stated that during his tenure as interior minister he was the first to cancel the citizenship of a terrorist’s family and in this case too, it is doable.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Rachmona Litzlan, but I would like to share an encouraging vort from R’ Yaakov Kaminecki z”l:

    Chazal say, “Moshiach will not come until the Jews give up on the Geula.”

    That seems very troubling, especially since are supposed to yearn and wait for Moshiach everyday.

    The answer, says R’ Yaakov, is that Chazal are referring to hopes of Geula from other sources, such as government intervention and world opinion. Once we realize that these bodies are powerless to help us, and turn only to HaKadosh Boruch Hu, then we are ready for Moshiach to come, when the true government will be the Retzon HaShem.

    HaMakom Yenachem Eschem B’soch Shaar Aveilei Tzion V’Yerushalayim.

  2. This doesn’t make sense to me. So if chas v’shalom someone in my house is sick, I should give up hope than an ambulance will come? Should widows and orphans give up hope that other Yidden will reach out to help them?

    Yes, we want Moshiach now, but until HaShem decides we are ready, we have to do everything we can for klal Yisrael. And that’s all these families are asking, for action that will prevent others from suffering a similar tragedy.

  3. The answer, says R’ Yaakov, is that Chazal are referring to hopes of Geula from other sources, such as government intervention and world opinion. Once we realize that these bodies are powerless to help us, and turn only to HaKadosh Boruch Hu, then we are ready for Moshiach to come, when the true government will be the Retzon HaShem.

    WHAT? These families particulary are baalei emunah and are NOT NOW or EVER trusting in the government bodies, rather demanding that laws and regulations be upheld.

  4. B’nei Torah are strangers in their own land.They and we have a land,but we do not have a country yet. Soon,

  5. B’nei Torah are NOT strangers in OUR land. We are busy learning, davening, working, having more children, and encouraging others to do the same.

    Time is on our side, history is on our side, and HaShem’s promises are on our side.

    Be’Ezrat HaShem.

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